Impact Wrestling Review – October 5, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – October 5, 2023

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Killer Kelly vs. Tasha Steelz

Tasha Steelz hits a pump kick on Killer Kelly then locks in a Camel Clutch but Kelly gets back on her feet but Steelz gets her down again. Kelly gets up and Steelz goes for a Stratusfaction but Kelly drops her on her butt.

Kelly traps both her arms and headbutts her and hits a butterfly suplex on the corner followed by a hesitation dropkick for a two count.

Kelly gets Steelz on her shoulders but Steelz fights out of it and goes for a springboard off the ropes but Kelly catches her in the sleeper.

Deonna Purrazzo comes out and pulls the referee out before Steelz hits The Blackout for the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz

Backstage John Skyler asks Savannah Evans to be his tag team partner for fan’s revenge and says she’s the first person he’s asked. Gisele says everyone knows he’s been begging everyone online. She says Jai Vidal will be his tag team partner. Skyler says he’d rather have the girl.

We go backstage where Gia Miller is with Jonathan Gresham and asks him about pulling the tights and winning. Gresham says it’s exactly what he’s been talking about the incompetence of the referees. Mike Bailey comes in and asks what he’s doing. Gresham walks away.

Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer goes out to the ring and calls out Crazzy Steve. Crazzy Steve gets to the ring. Tommy Dreamer talks about them being friends for a long time. When they were in TNA together he would crash in Tommy Dreamer’s hotel room. Dreamer says Steve is an amazing wrestler and is legally blind. He talks about his father being blind. He talks about giving Crazzy Steve his car keys in an empty parking lot to drive and Steve saying it was the 1st time he felt normal. Dreamer says that he loves Steve and the fans love him. Dreamer says he’s happy to give Steve any type of match he wants because he deserves it. Steve hugs Dreamer but then stabs Dreamer in the back with a fork and says he’s not his friend.

10 Person Tag Team Match
Champagne Singh, Jake Something, Jordynne Grace, Eric Young & Dirty Dango vs. Brain Myers, Bully Ray, Jody Threat, Kilynn King & Shera

Winners meet in a Fatal 5 Way Match to see who enters #20 & #1.

Jordynne Grace & Bully Ray face off as Grace looks to suplex Bully but Bully counters it into a body slam. Bully looks for a elbow drop but Grace gets out of the way and tags to Eric Young. Young goes to the top rope for an elbow drop but Shera drops him.

Bully tags to Kilynn King and they hit a double team suplex on Young for a two count. Grace & Jody Threat get the tag and Grace whips Threat into the ropes and hits a spinebuster.

Jake Something gets the tag and he clears everybody from the ring as Shera looks for a Sky High on Something but he hits Into The Void for the win.

Winners: Champagne Singh, Jake Something, Jordynne Grace, Eric Young & Dirty Dango

Backstage Gia Miller is with Josh Alexander and Josh says he has a champion’s mentality and he never backs down from any challenge before Impact World Champion Alex Shelley says champion’s mentality can get one in trouble. Shelley says for one night only he will be his insurance policy.

A promo aired for the Knockouts Title match at Bound For Glory.

Gia Miller is backstage with Knockouts Champion Trinity and talks about Mickie James. Trinity says it was expected because Mickie never lost the Knockouts Title. Trinity says she owes it to her to bring her best to her. Trinity says she plans on walking out the same way she walk in as the Knockouts Champion.

Before the match John Skyler says he heard the people in Memphis are insufferable pigs and he agrees except for the fans holding the whips. He says he hopes when he throws his opponents over the rope that they would whip them with those Good Hands.

Tag Team Country Ass Whoppin Lumberjack Strap Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. John Skyler & Jai Vidal

Ace Austin goes for a quick pin on John Skyler but Skyler kicks out and tags to Jai Vidal. Austin hits a springboard single leg dropkick on Vidal.

Chris Bey & Skyler get the tag and Bey hits a splash in the corner. Bey throws Skyler over the top rope and Skyler gets whipped by all the fans at ringside.

Skyler takes a whip from one of the fans and Bey hits a running somersault on Skyler on the outside before ABC hits 1,2 Sweet for the win.

Winners: ABC

A promo airs on Eddie Edwards vs. Frankie Kazarian.

Moose vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Moose looks for a powerbomb but Bhupinder Gujjar gets out of it but gets hit by a uranage. Moose looks for a spear but Gujjar gets out of the way.

Gujjar goes for a knee strike but Moose moves out of the way and hits a powerbomb then Moose hits the Spear for the win.

Winner: Moose

After the match, Maclin comes out and says that briefcase should be his because he brought that briefcase down until Rhino gored it out of his hands. He tells Moose to give him the briefcase. Moose asks if this is a trap and Bully is coming out. Maclin says Bully is busy with PCO and Maclin says he’s not afraid of PCO and he’s not afraid of those two. The lights go off and PCO appears in the ring. PCO clears the ring. Maclin retreats back to the entrance stage and gets gored by Rhino.

Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz are backstage and they spray paint the Impact World Tag Team Titles. Santino Marella is angry at them defacing the Impact World Tag Team Titles.

X Division Champion Chris Sabin cuts a promo on Kenta. Sabin says Kenta started his career in 2000 and so did he. Sabin says no belt means more to him than the X-Division Title. He says he will be walking out the X Division Champion.

Josh Alexander vs. Kon

Kon whips Josh Alexander in the corner but Alexander kicks Kon and hits a dropkick off the second rope. Kon whips Alexander into the ropes and Deaner on the outside grabs his leg. Kon hits a spinebuster on Alexander. Alexander hits forearms on Kon and goes for a German suplex but Kon fights out of it.

Kon runs into Alexander but he bounces him off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit a German suplex. Alexander goes for a moonsault but Kon gets out of the way then Kon hits a choke bomb for a two count. Kon lifts Alexander on his shoulders but Alexander hits an enzuigiri.

Alexander lifts Kon on his shoulders but hits the referee by mistake. Deaner gets a steel chair and looks to hit Alexander but Alex Shelley pulls the steel chair out of his hand and Alexander accidentally hits Shelley then inside the ring Alexander hits C4 Spike to get the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander

After the match Shelley confronts Alexander but Alexander pushes him off and Shelley hits Shell Shocked on Alexander and leaves him laying to close out this week’s Impact.

Next Week’s Impact

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) (c) vs. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann

Fatal 5 Way Match
Champagne Singh vs. Jake Something vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Eric Young vs. Dirty Dango (Winner enters #20 & whoever gets pinned enters #1)

3 Stages Of Hell Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards

Impact Card (Oct 19th)

No Disqualification Match
Crazzy Steve vs. Black Taurus

Bound For Glory Card (Oct 21st) (Spoilers)

Will Ospreay vs. Mike Bailey

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Josh Alexander

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Kenta

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Mickie James

20 Person Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match
Champagne Singh vs. Jake Something (enters #1) vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Eric Young vs. Dirty Dango (enters #20) vs. Brain Myers vs. Bully Ray vs. Jody Threat vs Kilynn King vs. Shera vs. 10 TBD

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) (c) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (This is Chris Bey’s Feast Or Fired Cash In Match)

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs. Tasha Steelz & Deonna Purrazzo