Impact Wrestling Review – October 19, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – October 19, 2023

Mike Bailey vs. Samuray Del Sol

Mike Bailey & Samuray Del Sol exchange kicks on the apron until Del Sol drops Bailey with one. Del Sol goes to the top rope but Bailey drops him with a kick of his own.

Bailey springboards off the ropes to a splash to Del Sol on the outside then Bailey goes to the top rope but Del Sol catches him into a bodyscissors and drives him down.

Del Sol & Bailey exchange pins and Bailey catches Del Sol with Green Tea Plague for a two count before Bailey hits Ultima Weapon for the win.

Winner: Mike Bailey

A vignette airs of Dirty Dango & Dango asks if Shannon Moore, Sonny Siaki & Evan Karagias were the Flying Elvises and says it was a stupid gimmick. He says in the Fatal 5 Way match Oleg Prudius comes in. He says he chose Prudius because he beat John Wick and now Keanu Reeves isn’t doing a movie until 2028. He says Prudius is a grenade.

A backstage promo with ABC and Ace Austin says Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz have been ducking them ever since Zachary Wentz came back. Chris Bey says before they feast they starve and for months they’ve been starving. He says this is personal because they stole their Impact World Tag Team Titles. He says they’re going to teach them a lesson.

Kenny King vs. Heath

Heath drops Kenny King with a clothesline before King goes to the outside and Heath follows him and throws him face first onto the apron. King throws him face first onto the apron and back into the ring then Heath hits a suplex and clothesline Kenny out of the ring.

Heath sells an ankle injury then Heath hops back into the ring at 8 and King kicks his foot. King punches Heath in the corner. King runs into Heath but Heath kicks him and drops him with a clothesline for a two count then King hits a combination of kicks for a two count.

King & Heath hit each other with clotheslines and they’re both down before Heath hits punches on King followed by a running knee and powerslam for a two count.

Sheldon Jean distracts the referee and Kenny gets a package on Heath with his feet on the ropes but the referee catches it. Heath hits a spinebuster for a two count before King hits a kick followed by The Royal Flush for the win.

Winner: Kenny King

They show a backstage promo from Frankie Kazarian from last week and Kazarian says he loves Eddie Edwards and that he is a brother and they are equals and they will drive Impact to newer heights together and now he has no choice but to respect Kazarian.

No Disqualification Match
Crazzy Steve vs. Black Taurus

Crazzy Steve gets out of the ring and Black Taurus chases him back into the ring and Taurus grabs Steve’s arm and drops him. Steve goes back outside and Taurus gets a chair from underneath the ring. Taurus swings at Steve but misses and Steve hits Taurus with the steel chair across the back.

Steve sets up a bunch of chairs outside the ring then Steve hits a Russian leg sweep on Taurus back first onto the apron and throws him headfirst into the ring post. Steve throws Taurus into the ring and sets up 2 chairs. Steve goes a suplex but Taurus fights out of it.

Taurus drops Steve spine first into the chairs for a two count before Taurus tries to suplex Steve onto the chairs set up outside but Steve fights out of it and Black Taurus hits a couple of slingblades onto Steve.

Taurus gets a trash can but Steve sweeps his leg and drops him face first into the trash can. Taurus gets Steve in an Alabama Slam position but Steve counters that into a Canadian Destroyer for a two count.

Taurus rushes at Steve but Steve throws him over the top rope onto the chairs set up outside. Steve gets a fork from his briefcase and tries to stab Taurus’s face but Taurus catches his hand and tries to stab him back.

Steve apologizes to Taurus but Taurus gets Steve onto his shoulders but Steve gets out of it and guillotines Taurus with the briefcase and hits Belladonna’s Kiss for the win.

Winner: Crazzy Steve

A vignette airs featuring the Call Your Shot Gauntlet contestants Brian Myers, Eric Young, Dirty Dango, Bully Ray, Jake Something, Jordynne Grace, Joe Hendry, Frankie Kazarian, Kilynn King, Kenny King, Jody Threat, Gisele Shaw & The Edwards.

Backstage interview with Knockouts Champion Trinity & Mickie James. Gia Miller asks if it will be difficult to switch between opponents to partners in 48 hours. Trinity says not at all and Mickie James says the best woman is going to win at Bound For Glory just like the best women are going to win tonight.

Tag Team Match
Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Moose & Brain Myers) vs. Rhino & PCO

Moose chops PCO on the corner and goes for a clothesline but PCO drops him with a knee in the gut and hits a headbutt on Moose. PCO tags to Rhino who throws Moose headfirst into the turnbuckle 10 times.

PCO goes for a moonsault on Brian Myers but Moose moves him out of the way then Moose tags himself in but Rhino hits a belly 2 belly suplex and goes for Gore but Steve Maclin pulls him out of the ring.

Bully Ray runs in and steps in front of Maclin & PCO hits a senton onto Maclin then Moose hits the No Jackhammer Needed on PCO for the win.

Winners: Most Professional Wrestling Gods

Vignette for Knockouts Tag Team Champions MK Ultra. Masha Slamovich speaks Russian and Killer Kelly says Deonna Purrazzo & Tasha Steelz have stepped into their world and there is no escape. She says when they face MK Ultra they will get twisted, broken and they will never forget what she & Slamovich will do to them. Kelly says she & Slamovich are the architects of their destruction and at Bound For Glory they will fall.

A video package airs on Mike Bailey vs. Will Ospreay.

Backstage Bully is walking as Rhino walks up to him and says he doesn’t know what Bully did out there but he doesn’t trust Bully. Bully says he’s welcome.

Scott D’Amore moderates a sit down interview with Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & Josh Alexander. Shelley takes offence to the match that Alexander is allowed to talk first and not the Impact World Champion. Shelley talks about Alexander’s match with Kon and says Alexander is going to make an excuse that he was injured when Shelley beats him. Josh says he worries for Shelley’s mental health and he is unraveling. Alexander says he can see cracks and that Shelley says they think he’s a transitional champion but Shelley thinks he is a transitional champion. Shelley walks off the interview.

After the interview Shelley gets into the room that Alexander is in and looks to attack him but Scott D’Amore gets in the way.

Tag Team Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity & Mickie James vs. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans

Mickie James hits a neckbreaker in Gisele Shaw for a 1 count. James tags to Trinity who hits a split legged leg drop for a two count. Trinity hits a basement clothesline followed by a running kick and a leg drop for a two count.

Savannah Evans grabs Trinity by the hair and Shaw drops her and tags to Evans who steps on Trinity and chokes her & tag to Shaw who hits a suplex for a two count. Trinity kicks Shaw and tries to tag to James but Shaw catches Trinity and clears James away from the ring.

Tag to Evans who hits a scoop slam followed by a leg drop for a two count. Trinity runs towards James & Evans picks her up and Trinity tags but referee is distracted by Shaw and doesn’t see the tag so Trinity hits an enzuigiri off the 2nd rope on Evans and tags to James.

James drops Shaw with a headscissors goes to the top rope and hits a Lou Thesz Press onto Shaw then goes for the cover but Evans breaks up the pin then Evans gets the tag.

Evans & Shaw hits a backbreaker single leg drop kick combo then goes for the cover but Trinity breaks up the pin then James hits MickDT on Evans for the win.

Winners: Knockouts Champion Trinity & Mickie James 

After the match Trinity & James celebrate and Trinity goes to leave with the Knockouts Title but James holds onto it and doesn’t let go.

Bound For Glory Card (Oct 21st)

Will Ospreay vs. Mike Bailey

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Josh Alexander

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Kenta

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Mickie James

20 Person Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match
Champagne Singh vs. Jake Something (enters #1) vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Eric Young vs. Dirty Dango (enters #20) vs. Brain Myers vs. Bully Ray vs. Jody Threat vs Kilynn King vs. Shera vs. Kenny King vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Joe Hendry vs. 5 TBD

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) (c) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (This is Chris Bey’s Feast Or Fired Cash In Match)

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs. Tasha Steelz & Deonna Purrazzo

Fatal 4 Way Monsters Ball Match
Steve Maclin vs. Moose vs. Rhino vs. PCO

Turning Point Card So Far (Oct 27th) (Nov 3rd on Impact Plus)

Will Ospreay vs. Eddie Edwards

Tag Team Match
Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) vs. Josh Alexander & Eric Young

Jordynne Grace vs. Dani Luna

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) vs. Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Moose & Brain Myers)

Gisele Shaw vs. Alex Windsor

Triple Threat Match
Impact World Tag Team Champion Trey Miguel vs. Rich Swann vs. Frankie Kazarian

Joe Hendry vs. Simon Miller