Impact Wrestling Review – November 9, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – November 9, 2023

Tasha Steelz vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Tasha Steelz takes down Deonna Purrazzo  and twerks before Purrazzo takes Steelz down with a snapmare and ties her up and hits her with a basement dropkick and twerks.

Steelz goes to kick her but Purrazzo catches her leg and goes for Queen’s Gambit but Steelz gets out of it then Steelz whips her into the ropes but Deonna with a sunset flip and they exchange pins. Purrazzo & Steelz clothesline each other and they’re both down.

Purrazzo & Steelz exchange forearms before Purrazzo hits a knee followed by a side Russian leg sweep and Fujiwara Armbar but Steelz gets out of it and locks in a Venus De Milo. Purrazzo reverses it into a Fujiwara Armbar.

Steelz goes after Purrazzo’s eyes then throws Purrazzo into the turnbuckle and hits a cutter followed by another cutter for the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz

Impact World Champion Alex Shelley is backstage and he says he knows Jonathan Gresham is a former World Champion and he complains about not getting opportunities but he’s getting his opportunity now so let the best man win.

They show a recap of ABC winning the Impact World Tag Team Titles at Bound For Glory.

ABC is backstage and Chris Bey says Ric Flair wanted to exchange Rolexes with him then Santino Marella shows up then Kenny King & Sheldon Jean show up and King asks why Marella wouldn’t pick up his calls and he wants a rematch for the Digital Media Title. Santino says he doesn’t get a signal here. Marella books a Impact World Tag Team Title match between ABC & King & Jean.

Digital Media Title Match
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Crazzy Steve

Tommy Dreamer hits Crazzy Steve with a Bionic Elbow followed by a reverse DDT for a two count then Dreamer goes for a Death Valley Driver but Steve pokes his eyes and hits a Cannonball onto Dreamer in the corner.

Steve grabs his suitcase from ringside and brings a fork out of it then Steve goes to stab Dreamer but Dreamer catches his hand and bites it.

Dreamer hits a cutter and grabs the fork then hits the fork into Steve’s head and gets disqualified.

Winner By DQ: Crazzy Steve (Dreamer retains)

Crazzy Steve is busted open and leaves the ring laughing.

Gia Miller is backstage with Jonathan Gresham and he says he will prove that talent will rise above chaos and he will bring true honor to this ring by any means necessary.

Before the match Joe Hendry cuts a promo and asks if they’ve all heard the news and that a rebrand is taking place. He says another rebrand is taking place tonight as Brian Myers is no longer Edge’s bitch, he is Adam’s bitch. He says the people in Chicago believe in Joe Hendry.

Brian Myers vs. Joe Hendry

Joe Hendry takes down Brian Myers with a fireman’s carry and hits a vertical suplex for a two count then Hendry hits a scoop slam followed by a running elbow drop for a two count.

Myers hits a side Russian leg sweep for a two count before Hendry picks up Myers and hits Trustfall then picks up Myers for a stalling suplex for a two count.

Myers sends Hendry into the steel post. Myers gets Hendry into a sleeper hold but Hendry reverses it into a vertical suplex.

Hendry takes down Myers with clotheslines followed by 3 fallaway slams for a two count then Myers hits an enzuigiri followed by a implant DDT for two.

Hendry hits a pop up powerbomb for a two count then Hendry went for Standing Ovation but Myers pokes his eye and hits Roster Cut for the win.

Winner: Brain Myers

A video package airs hyping Will Ospreay vs. Josh Alexander.

Gia Miller is backstage with Will Ospreay and Will says he’s a former World Champion, the IWGP World Champion and on his shoulder is the IWGP United States/United Kingdom Championship. He’s been in every promotion. He says Josh Alexander is good but no one is better than the Billy Goat. He says they’ll see if he’s got what it takes to be the best.

Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards

Eric Young goes a piledriver but Alisha Edwards distracts Young and Eddie Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Alisha tosses a steel chair into the ring and the referee takes it away.

Alisha looks to hit Young with the kendo stick but she hits Eddie instead so Young hits a piledriver for the win.

Winner: Eric Young

Moose walks up to Myers and said he looked great. Myers asks where he was. Moose says Myers didn’t need his help at the Call Your Shot Gauntlet when he teamed with Matt Cardona. Heath walks up to Most Professional Wrestling Gods says he doesn’t talk to Myers like that. Heath says he will face the both of them.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Sonny Kiss. Kiss says they would’ve loved to win the Call Your Shot Gauntlet and go after the Knockouts Title. Trinity comes up and says maybe she could go to Impact management and get that match done.

Tag Team Match
Dirty Dango & Oleg Prudius vs. Storm Grayson & Nick Diamond

Oleg Prudius hits a fallaway slam and pushes off Storm Grayson as he tries to hit a crossbody then tags to Dirty Dango & hits Showstopper for the win.

Winners: Dirty Dango & Oleg Prudius

Backstage Jordynne Grace is with her Call Your Shot Gauntlet. Bully Ray walks up to her and applauds her. Kilynn King walks up and says she was one of the 4 in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet. Bully tells her to back off. King says the 1st thing he told her was to never back down. Bully says not to back down until he tells her to. King asks what happened to him. Steve Maclin walks up and says Bully has become soft. Bully says Maclin didn’t call him soft when he put Maclin through a table. Maclin says he’s still standing there and calling Bully soft. Bully says Maclin is still standing because Bully let him.

The Rascalz are backstage and Trey Miguel talks about the various versions of The Rascalz and introduces Myron Reed to Impact Wrestling.

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Jonathan Gresham

Alex Shelley hits Jonathan Gresham with a headbutt before Gresham goes for a dropkick onto Shelley’s knee but Shelley moves and hits a flatliner onto the turnbuckle. Shelley hits a tornado DDT for two followed by a crossface.

Gresham grabs the referee and gets to the rope to break the submission then Gresham chops Shelley’s knee. Shelley hits a rolling elbow and goes for a Border City Stretch but Gresham gets out of it. Gresham covers Shelley for two.

Gresham & Shelley exchange forearms and Gresham rakes Shelley’s eyes before Shelley hits a back elbow but can’t run and Gresham hits a moonsault.

Shelley & Gresham exchange a sequence of various kinds of pins then Gresham gets a Figure 4 onto Shelley but Shelley gets to the ropes.

Shelley gets a package pin for a two count then hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner & Still Impact World Champion: Alex Shelley (STILL CHAMPION!!!!) (Recommend)

Next Week’s Impact

Josh Alexander vs. Will Ospreay

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Kenny King & Sheldon Jean

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz & Myron Reed) vs. Juventud Guerrera, Laredo Kid & Black Taurus

Moose vs. Heath

Mixed Tag Team Match
Jordynne Grace & Bully Ray vs. Kilynn King & Steve Maclin

Non Title Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity vs. Sonny Kiss

Final Resolution Card So Far (Dec 9th)

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) vs. Josh Alexander & Zack Sabre Jr

Hard To Kill Card So Far (Jan 13th)

TNA World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Moose (This is Moose’s Feast Or Fired Cash In Match)

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Jordynne Grace (This is Grace’s Call Your Shot Gauntlet Cash In Match)