Impact Wrestling Review – July 27, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – July 27, 2023

Tag Team Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity & Dani Luna vs. The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King)

Taylor Wilde goes for a crossbody but Dani Luna catches her and hits a fallaway slam then Wilde tags to Kilynn King who hits a vertical suplex. King tags to Wilde who keeps Luna in her corner and tags to King. King goes for a vertical suplex but Luna fights out of it.

King throws Luna in the corner and tags to Wilde & she kicks her in the back then King hits two consecutive scoop slams in a row for a two count.

King goes for a vertical suplex but it’s reversed and Luna tags to Trinity who hits a crossbody on Wilde then goes for the cover but King breaks up the pin. Luna clotheslines King out of the ring then Trinity rolls up Wilde for the win.

Winners: Knockouts Champion Trinity & Dani Luna 

After the match Deonna Purrazzo’s music hits and she comes out & she tells Trinity that she’s getting her rematch for the Knockouts Title at Emergence.

We see a replay from the ending of last week’s episode where Lio Rush didn’t join Bully Ray in attacking the faces.

We see X Division Champion Lio Rush backstage and Brian Myers & Moose walk up to him & Myers asks why he left them hanging. Lio Rush talks about them questioning his life choices, he questions their life choices by joining forces with Bully Ray. Bully Ray shows up and says he hasn’t been here long enough. Bully Ray says he wants an answer from Rush by the end of the night.

We see a vignette of Dirty Dango. Dango says he takes Santino Marella as seriously as a MMA fighter as Bhupinder Gujjar as a professional wrestler. He talks up Johnny Bravo and says he spent nearly a week in Vietnam and that he is Alpha Bravo.

Loser Leaves Impact Wrestling Match
Johnny Swinger vs. Zicky Dice

Johnny Swinger hits the fingerpoke of doom and goes for the cover but Zicky Dice reverses it into a pin for a two count. Swinger walks out of the ring and tells him to count him out.

Dice stops him and tells him to get back in the ring and finish it. Swinger puts Dice in the trolley but then clotheslines him so he throws Dice in the ring & pins him with his feet on the ropes for the win.

Winner: Johnny Swinger (Since Zicky Dice lost he must leave Impact Wrestling)

Backstage Santino Marella is with Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura. Marella talks about Uemura pinning Kenny King on Before The Impact and says Uemura could be champion someday. Uemura talks about him, Hendry & King and the Digital Media Title and Marella books them in a Triple Threat match.

A promo by Nick Aldis and he says he will serve Eric Young a big piece of humble pie

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich vs. Gisele Shaw

Gisele Shaw whips Masha Slamovich into the corner and hits an uppercut and hits another running uppercut for a two count. Shaw elbows Slamovich in the corner & drapes her on the 2nd rope and hits a double stomp for a two count.

Shaw gets her in a chinlock but Slamovich fights out of it and hits a spinning heel kick for a two count then Shaw hits a full Nelson into a backbreaker for a another two count. Shaw goes for a running knee strike but Slamovich hits a spinning kick for a two count.

Slamovich goes for a Snow Plow but Jai Vidal distracts her but Killer Kelly takes him down before Shaw hits Denouement for the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

We see a vignette for Jake Something who says his dad taught him hard lessons. He says because it’s because of these lessons that he had to be something. What’s his name?

We see Frankie Kazarian & Traci Brooks backstage and Brooks says she is going to ask Scott D’Amore for 5 minutes with Alisha Edwards but Kazarian says Brooks is not a wrestler anymore and Alisha is not worth it.

Tag Team Match
Time Splitters (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & Kushida) vs. Moose & Brian Myers

Moose knocks Alex Shelley off the apron and pressured Kushida in the corner before Kushida hits Moose with a back elbow but couldn’t get Moose off his feet. Kushida reversed a powerbomb into a heel hook.

Shelley hits a PK Moose in the shoulder before Moose reversed a Hoverboard Lock into a Body Slam then Brian Myers tags in and took a slap from Kushida.

Shelley got the blind tag in & Time Splitters cleaned house. Shelley used a hammerlock to toss Myers into the corner. Time Splitters used quick tags to cut the ring in half on Myers. Kushida focused his attack on the arm of Myers.

Time Splitters hits Myers with the Muta Lock/Dropkick combo then Myers ran to ringside which allowed Moose to take down Shelley with a shoulder tackle as we go to a break.

After the break Moose & Myers cut the ring in half on Shelley while Myers was going for a tag while holding Shelley in place but Shelley lowers his weight to put Myers in a crucifix pin for the win.

Winners: Time Splitters

After the match Moose & Myers attacks Time Splitters but Josh Alexander runs in for the save. Lio Rush runs in and attacks Alex Shelley. Chris Sabin’s music hits and Time Machine & Josh Alexander clear the ring leaving just Lio Rush who gets superkicked by Sabin and tossed out of the ring.

We see a vignette for Alan Angels and says Heath is one of the guys who think they’re a rockstar but he is a real rockstar. He says Heath is jealous that he is on the ascent and Heath is going down. Angels says that he’s going to let Heath prove how much of a Rockstar he really is.

We see a promo from The Rascalz from a parking lot from last week where Zachary Wentz says they’re coming for the Impact World Tag Team Titles & they walk up to Mike Bailey who advises them not to act like idiots. Wentz threatens to go ninja on him.

Zachary Wentz vs. Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey kicks Zachary Wentz on his head and goes for the pin but Trey Miguel puts Wentz’s foot on the rope. Bailey hits a moonsault on Wentz on the outside. Bailey hits a superkick on Bailey and goes for the Tornado Kick but Trey pulls Wentz out of the ring.

The referee sees it and ejects Miguel out of ringside then Wentz sprays Bailey with the spray paint and hits a headlock DDT for the win.

Winner: Zachary Wentz

Eric Young vs. Nick Aldis

Eric Young goes to the top rope but Nick Aldis goes up top and hits a superplex for a two count then Aldis goes up to the top rope but Young catch him with an atomic drop but Aldis hits a Michinoku Driver for a two count then Young goes for a Crucifix for a two count.

Young goes for a missile Dropkick off the top rope but Aldis catches him and locks in the Kingsland Cloverleaf but Young gets to the rope. Aldis goes for a Figure 4 but Young reverses it into a pin for a two count before he hits a piledriver to get the win.

Winner: Eric Young

After the match The Design attack Eric Young. Kon hits a chokeslam on Young. Deaner tells him to hit one more. Kon hits a 2nd chokeslam on Young & as they’re about to leave Deaner tells him to hit one more. Kon hits a 3rd chokeslam on Young. Deaner tells Kon to give Young to him. Deaner hits the Antidote on Young then Deaner sits on Young to close out this week’s Impact.