Impact Wrestling Review – August 3, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – August 3, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Impact with Knockouts Champion Trinity comes out & she says Chicago has a special place in her heart because this is the very building where she made her Impact debut. She said not too long ago she was at her lowest and she contemplated giving up on her wrestling career and it was like going from her lowest to going to her highest and she said she would become Knockouts Champion.

Deonna Purrazzo’s music hits & she says it’s only fitting that she comes out and interrupt her. The only difference is Trinity is the Champion and Purrazzo is the challenger. Purrazzo said she told her that she knows what it is like to win the Knockouts Title in her 1st opportunity. Purrazzo says the only difference between them is that she is not a quitter. Trinity says except when she tap out at Slammiversary. Purrazzo says no one beats the Virtuosa twice. Trinity says she bets she can.

The Coven’s music hits. Kilynn King says of course those two open the show. King says no one wants Trinity to talk and nobody wants to see Deonna’s stupid face. King asks Taylor Wilde who Trinity’s opponent was in Chicago and Wilde says it was King then King says if things got different she would’ve been Knockouts Champion. Wilde says she hates that The Coven was beat by Trinity. Trinity asks her to do something about it. King asks Wilde to give them a card reading. They start to brawl and security keeps them way. Santino Marella comes out and books The Coven vs. Purrazzo & Trinity.

Tag Team Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo vs. The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King)

Kilynn King turns Taylor Wilde inside out onto Trinity and pins her for a two count then King tags to Wilde and she runs towards Trinity but gets kick and spiks on her head. Deonna Purrazzo gets the hot tag and she hits a running knee and side Russian leg sweep followed by an armbar but Taylor Wilde breaks it up and Kilynn hits a DDT for a two count.

Purrazzo hits a pump kick but Wilde hits a Codebreaker on Purrazzo before Trinity hits Rear View on Wilde & King hits a German suplex on Trinity then King goes for a King’s Curse on Purrazzo but Purrazzo gets an armbar but Wilde breaks it up and Trinity looks to kick Wilde but hits Purrazzo instead so King hits King’s Curse for the win.

Winners: The Coven

Backstage Trey Miguel is with Zachary Wentz and says their match should be for the Impact World Tag Team Titles. Wentz says they will go all the way and win the titles before Scott D’Amore comes in and says their recent behavior is not acceptable and they will not get 2 weeks pay. D’Amore says he won’t punish the fans so they’re still in the tournament. He wishes them luck.

Alisha Edwards is backstage with Eddie Edwards before Jody Threat comes in and tells she doesn’t like how she’s talking about Traci Brooks. Alisha says she has a big mouth for someone who doesn’t belong in the locker room. Threat challenges her to a match next week and Alisha accepts.

Heath vs. Alan Angels

Alan Angels takes out Heath’s knee and hits a DDT for a two count before Angels goes to the top rope for the moonsault but Heath gets out of the way then Heath hits a flapjack on Angels and a leg lariat.

Angels hits a kick on Heath and goes to the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Heath catches him and hits a powerslam for a two count then Angels gets a backslide for a another two count before Heath hits Wake Up Call to get the win.

Winner: Heath

After the match Heath goes into the crowd and celebrates with the fans.

We see footage from last week where The Design laid out Eric Young.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Eric Young and asked about the attack by The Design. Eric Young says everyone could see that coming. Miller says they thought Eric Young was dead and asks where he has been. Eric Young says that’s a good question and the world will see what really happened.

Jake Something vs. Davey Vega

Jake Something turns Davey Vega inside out with a clothesline. Something throws Vega. Vega goes for a sunset flip but Something catches him and lifts him up and hits a forearm. Vega tries to get out of the ring but Something catches him and hits The Void for the win.

Winner: Jake Something

We see footage from last week where Bully Ray asks Lio Rush for an answer by the end of the night and Lio Rush then comes out to help Bully Ray, Brian Myers & Moose.

We see X Division Champion Lio Rush on the phone backstage and Bully Ray, Brian Myers & Moose come up to him. Bully Ray says he made the right decision. Lio Rush says he doesn’t like what this is. He says this isn’t going to last long. Bully says this can last forever if he wants to. They want to trust him until he gives them a reason not to.

Joe Hendry cuts a promo and says life is short and they should tell their friends the 2 words we believe and what they believe in is Joe Hendry.

Yuya Uemura comes out and gets on the mic and says I’m Yuya Uemura. Champion.

Digital Media Title Triple Threat Match
Kenny King (c) vs. Joe Hendry vs. Yuya Uemura

Kenny King hits a snap suplex on Joe Hendry and hits boot on Yuya Uemura in the corner then King whips Hendry into Uemura’s corner and Uemura flips him over. King goes for a DDT on Uemura but Hendry hits a neckbreaker on King for a two count as we go to commercial break.

After the break King hits a single leg trap overhead suplex on Uemura before King hits a powerslam on Hendry for a two count. Uemura goes to the top rope and hits a crossbody on both King & Hendry.

Uemura hits a bulldog on King and a belly 2 back suplex on Hendry and goes for the pin but King breaks it up. King hits the Eddy Gordo Kick on Hendry & Uemura hits a dropkick on King.

Uemura goes to the top rope and goes for the crossbody but Hendry catches him with a cutter. Sheldon Jean pulls Hendry out and King goes for the pin but Uemura kicks out so King hits Royal Flush on Uemura for the win.

Winner & Digital Media Champion: Kenny King (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!!)

Gia Miller is backstage with Mike Bailey & Jonathan Gresham and talks about the Impact World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament. Gresham says he’s looking forward to the Impact World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament. Bailey said he had to get him to join the tournament. Jonathan Gresham says rules are not followed in Impact and Bailey lost his match to Zachary Wentz because of cheating. Bailey tells him to be optimistic and Gresham says optimism doesn’t win matches.

Matthew Rehwoldt & Tom Hannifan run down the card for Multiverse United 2, Emergence and next week’s Impact.

Courtney Rush & Jessicka talk about not being included in the Knockouts Tag Team Titles match at Emergence and Rush says they need to talk to Scott D’Amore. Jessicka says they need to plan what they say to him. Crazzy Steve walks up to Rush to talk to her but Rush says she loves him but they’re busy and walks away.

Semi Final Match Of The Impact World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. Mike Bailey & Jonathan Gresham

Mike Bailey goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Trey Miguel and a running Shooting Star Press for a two count. Miguel catches Bailey’s leg and hits a belly 2 back suplex and gets the tag to Zachary Wentz & he bounces off the ropes but Bailey hits a dropkick.

Both get the tag and Jonathan Gresham gets rolls up by Bailey into a cutter on Miguel but Wentz breaks up the pin. Gresham hits a moonsault off the ropes then Gresham hits a powerbomb for a two count.

Wentz throws the spray can to Miguel & Bailey hits a moonsault in Wentz outside as Miguel sprays Gresham in the face while the referee isn’t looking to score the win.

Winners: The Rascalz

We see footage of what had happened when Deaner had Eric Young left lying and seemingly kill him. Eric Young spits out blood and gets up. Young struggles and gets on a bike. We hear a monologue from Young as we see him ride on the highway in the night and he asks if death is final and what is it to live. He says death is the curtain call and the last thing any of us will now but he isn’t dead yet. He’s lived a 1000 lives in this business and he’ll live a thousand more. Flesh can be removed but an idea is eternal and can live forever. He says he is more than death. He is an idea and he will live forever.

Next Week’s Impact

Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat

Emgerance Card (August 27th) (Non Spoilers)

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

8 Man Tag Team Match
Time Machine (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin & Kushida) & Josh Alexander vs. X Division Champion Lio Rush, Moose, Brain Myers & Bully Ray

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) (c) vs. Winners Of The Impact World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament