Impact Wrestling Review – April 27, 2023

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Impact Wrestling Review – April 27, 2023

Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace

Masha Slamovich & Jordynne Grace lock up to start and Grace knocks Masha down with a shoulder block. Grace gets Slamovich in a wristlock but Slamovich gets out of it and takes Grace to the ground. Grace pushes Slamovich into the corner turnbuckle. She hits a double knee on Slamovich in the corner followed by a Vader Bomb for a two count.

Slamovich whips Grace onto the middle rope and kicks her in the face. Slamovich goes for the vertical suplex but Grace reverses it into a suplex of her own. Slamovich hits a combination of kicks and trash talks the fans in Russian. Slamovich gets Grace in a sleeper but Grace pushes Slamovich into the corner. Masha pulls Grace into the ropes.

Slamovich goes to the top rope but Grace catches her and goes for the superplex but Slamovich drops her down. Grace catches her with the Muscle Buster and hits it for a near fall. Grace hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Grace goes for a Grace Driver but Slamovich gets out of it and goes for the roll up but Grace counters it into a sleeper.

Slamovich reverses it into a sleeper of her own and hits a trap German Suplex for a near fall. Grace takes Slamovich to the top rope and goes for a Muscle Buster but Slamovich gets out of it and they exchange quick pin attempts until Grace got 1 to stick for the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace

We see a vignette for Nick Aldis.

We see pictures of Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry who had suffered a broken nose after his match against Sheldon Jean.

Impact World Champion Steve Maclin says PCO tries to catch him off guard last week and he did, and yet people call him a coward. He calls out PCO. PCO comes out but gets attacked from behind by Champagne Singh & Shera. They attack PCO in the ring as Maclin leaves. Santino Marella comes out and says it seems they want to fight and they love a fight in Toronto. He books PCO vs. Champagne Singh and bans Shera from ringside.

PCO vs. Champagne Singh

Champagne Singh hits a flatliner for a 1 count then Singh stuffs money into PCO’s mouth. PCO whips Singh into the corner and clotheslines him and hits a DDT. He hits a lung blower on Singh. PCO sets Singh on the apron and goes to the top rope and hits the De Animator. Singh throws PCO into the ring and mocks him but PCO hits a reverse DDT followed by PCO Sault for the win.

Winner: PCO

This week’s flashback moment of the week is Magnus vs Christopher Daniels in London from 2013.

A backstage promo from Deaner who says he trusted Callihan against what people told him. He says Callihan is not a machine. He will feel pain. He says he ripped out his Designer’s heart and fed it to the wolves. He says if he’s willing to do that, imagine what he’s willing to do to Callihan.

We see a backstage vignette from Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Coven & they do a spell with a photo of Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo. Wilde says she doesn’t know if the spell is going to work. Kilynn King draws out a card and says it will.

Johnny Swinger comes out with Zicky Dice. Dice says they’re on the road to 50 wins. He says Swinger was promised a Impact World Title shot but he’s been on a losing streak instead. He says they found a luchador to face Swinger and goes to the back to bring him out. Mexican music plays and El Dinerico comes out.

Johnny Swinger vs. El Dinerico

El Dinerico rolls around the ring before Johnny Swinger rolls him up to get the win.

Winner: Johnny Swinger

After the match El Dinerico & Johnny Swinger go backstage and Dinerico takes his mask off. Santino Marella shows up and says Swinger’s match is nullified. Swinger gets mad at Dick and tells him to go back to the Indies.

We see highlights of Kenny King’s win over Channing Decker on Before The Impact. Kenny King is backstage and he finds Sheldon Jean and says he’s heard things about Jean and that people compare him to Kenny King. He advises Jean to keep his head on a swivel.

Non Title Match
Impact World Tag Team Champions Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. The Design (Kon & Angels)

Match starts off with Big Kon hits elbows into Ace Austin in the corner and tags to Angels. Angels hits a chop on Austin in the corner. Austin tries to reach out to Chris Bey but Angels hits a half suplex then Austin hits a springboard kick onto Angels.

Austin gets the tag to Bey who hits a Code Red for a two count. Bey runs towards the ropes but gets caught by Kon & Angels hits a sweep for two count.

Bullet Club go for a suicide dive but Deaner stops them then Sami Callihan comes out and attacks Deaner and runs away. Bullet Club hit a suicide dive on Kon. Angels is taken out with a clothesline then Bullet Club hits 1, 2 Sweet to get the win..

Winners: Impact World Tag Team Champions Bullet Club

We see Santino Marella was attacked backstage. He says he didn’t see who attacked him but he got a tuft of hair. Dirty Dango says he will be the Detective Of Authority to solve this.

Death Dollz are backstage & Crazzy Steve shows up and asks Rosemary if she’s talked with everyone. Rosemary says James Mitchell is nothing but trouble. Crazzy Steve tells her she needs to do it to get into the Undead Realm.

Jody Threat vs. Seleziya Sparx

Jody Threat gets Seleziya Sparx in a wristlock and takes her to the ground. Threat goes to the top rope and hits a seated senton. Threat hits a clothesline in the corner followed by a pump kick and double knees on Sparx on the middle rope and a German suplex then hits the F416 for the win.

Winner: Jody Threat

We get a vignette from Killer Kelly who talks about Masha Slamovich who is sick and twisted as her. She calls Slamovich the perfect playmate.

We see an interview of Frankie Kazarian who talks about his early days in TNA & what led to him leaving TNA.

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Knockouts Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde

Taylor Wilde tries to kick Deonna Purrazzo but Purrazzo catches her leg and gets her down by the arm. Purrazzo takes Wilde with the shoulder block but Kilynn King catches Deonna’s leg as she runs the ropes and is hit with a forearm by Wilde. Deonna goes for the Fujiwara Armbar but Wilde gets out of the ring as we go to commercial break.

After the break Wilde throws Purrazzo into the ring and hits her with punches. Wilde whips Purrazzo into the corner but Purrazzo hits an elbow. King catches Purrazzo again and Wilde drops her down. Wilde steps on Purrazzo’s hair and pulls her body up. Taylor Wilde gets a headscissors into the crossface onto Purrazzo who reverses it into a Fujiwara Armbar but Wilde gets out of it.

Purrazzo gets a backslide pin for two followed by a headlock. Wilde & Purrazzo run into each other with a crossbody. Purrazzo & Wilde exchange forearms until Deonna drops her down and gets a side Russian leg sweep followed by an arm lock but Wilde gets to the ropes. Purrazzo tries to go for the Queen’s Gambit but Wilde flips her over before Purrazzo locks in Venus De Milo & Wilde has no choice but to tap out.

Winner By Submission & Still Knockouts Champion: Deonna Purrazzo (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the match The Coven attacks Purrazzo but Jordynne Grace runs out and clears them out of the ring. Purrazzo shakes Grace’s hand and celebrates to close out this week’s Impact.

Matches Of The Night

Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich

Impact World Tag Team Champions Bullet Club vs. The Design

Knockouts Title Match