Impact Wrestling Review (5/4/2023)

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Impact Wrestling Review – May 4, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Impact with highlights from last week’s Impact.

Tag Team Match
Moose & Brian Myers vs. Bhupinder Gujjar & Yuya Uemura

Match starts off with Brian Myers hits a shoulder tackle on Bhupinder Gujjar then Gujjar came back with a series of dropkicks. Yuya Uemura tags in and did some tandem elbow and leg drops on Myers as it got a two count. Myers fended off Uemura with elbow strikes which allowed him to tag in Moose.

Uemura dodged a tackle and rallied with dropkicks and kicks. Uemura dumps Moose to ringside. Gujjar hip tossed Myers on Moose to ringside. Uemura & Gujjar hit Myers & Moose with stereo planchas. Uemura gave Moose a corner splash and then used a back elbow to set up a bulldog on Moose. Moose used a chop to trip Uemura off the top rope. Myers tackles Uemura onto the apron after tagging in & it got a two count.

Myers worked on Uemura with methodical offense. Uemura reversed a Roster Cut into an underhook belly 2 belly. Moose & Gujjar tag in with Gujjar having the hot rally. Gujjar hits Moose with a front and pump kick. Gujjar gave Myers a flapjack then hits Moose with a leaping knee and spinebuster for a two count. Gujjar fended off Moose with a few face wash kicks. Gujjar missed Gargoyle Spear.

Moose misses No Jackhammer Needed because of a sidestep. Gujjar hits Moose with a Sling Blade. Myers broke up the pin. Myers gave Uemura an elevated Flatliner. Gujjar gave Myers a Springboard Rolling Sebat. Moose surprised Gujjar out of nowhere with a spear for the win.

Winners: Moose & Brian Myers

Backstage Gia Miller met up with Impact World Champion Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh, & Shera. Miller wondered why Maclin would team with Singh & Shera? Maclin noted that it’s logical and tactical that he makes alliances because there are shots coming from every direction. Singh said money can’t buy rubbing elbows with the Impact World Champion. Maclin said he’s also taking into account that nobody will team with PCO in their 6 Man Tag Team match. Singh gave Miller a few hundred dollars and sent her away.

A replay from last week was shown where Santino Marella was on the ground trying to figure out who beat him up & this led to Dirty Dango picking up hair left as a clue and deciding to be a detective.

Dirty Dango was standing in front of a photo investigation board. He said say his name on purpose to summon Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry to help. Dango said he’s stressed and went through many energy drinks. Hendry said Dango needs to analyze the hair. Dango said he lost the tuft of hair. Dango said the key to the mystery is his investigation board. Dango claimed that TNA announcer Mike Tenay laid out Marella.

Joe Hendry said X Division Champion Trey Miguel makes more sense because he would have a motive, due to Marella booking Trey in a match against his will. Dango said that that not only is Hendry the best tag partner he could have but a best friend. Dango stared at a picture of Tyler Breeze for a second. Dango then gave Hendry a hug.

Deaner said Callihan made the biggest mistake of his life when he hit him with a bat. Deaner berated the crowd for saying you deserve it. Deaner pulled the bait and switch and said that this match will now be against Kon. Kon & Angels beat down Callihan

Sami Callihan vs. Kon

Sami Callihan sidesteps Kon and gave him a gamengiri. Callihan raked Kon’s eyes. Kon escaped a fireman carry. Callihan dumped Kon to ringside by pulling down the top rope. Callihan hit Kon with a pump kick from the apron, which Kon no sold. Kon trips up Callihan after grabbing Callihan’s foot. Kon laid out Callihan with a lariat heading into a commercial break.

After the break Kon works on Callihan with his usual slow and methodical offense. Callihan powered out of a bear hug by giving Kon thumbs to the eyes. Kon and Callihan traded right hands in the center of the ring. Callihan ripped off Kon’s shirt and gave him chops. Kon came back with a knee.

Callihan ran the ropes and gave Kon a knee. Kon rallied with rights and lefts. Callihan came back with a Samoan Drop on Kon. Angels got on the apron for the distraction. Deaner also got on the apron & because the referee was distracted by Angels, this allowed Callihan to low blow Kon. Callihan ask Deaner to enter the ring. Instead a bunch of people in yellow hoodies ran out and beat down Sami for the DQ

Winner By DQ: Sami Callihan

After the match Deaner ordered the cultists to stop & after Callihan dared Deaner to attack him, Deaner hits Callihan in the face with a baseball bat.

Dango & Hendry drags Trey Miguel into their investigation room. Hendry said that Miguel is in the clear because he has all his hair. Dango said that Miguel just shaved his body to hide the evidence. Miguel said he didn’t beat up Santino buck naked. Dango said he’d beat up Marella naked.

Jimmy Jacobs interviewed Nick Aldis. Jacobs talked about how PCO is going for the Impact World Title ahead of Aldis despite Aldis setting his sights first. Aldis said everything is moving fast and everyone is wondering when Nick Aldis will challenge for the world champion. Aldis said when he stepped foot back in Impact, he said he’ll be in the hunt. He said he didn’t expect to get an immediate shot. He said the title has a legacy of legends.

Aldis said he’s willing to go through the whole roster if he has to. Aldis said he’s willing to climb every rung on the ladder to get to the world title. Kenny King interrupted to mock Aldis. King asked Aldis if he’s actually willing to put in the work from the bottom.

Aldis talked about how he was already world champion when he and Kenny King were on the Impact Roster many years ago. Aldis said if King has balls, he should fight him now. King said he’s not Scott D’Amore and can’t book random matches. King said Aldis needs to work his way up the ladder to get up to face The King.

Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat

Match starts off with Alisha Edwards slaps Jody Threat then Threat came back with a shove. Threat caught Edwards with a draping front and pump kick. Threat returned the favor to Edwards with a right hand slap. Threat pummeled Alisha in the corner with close lariats.

Edwards sidesteps a Meteora attempt and slammed Threat to the mat by the hair. Edwards used her hips to smash Threat’s face into the mat. Edwards works on Threat with methodical offense. Threat draped Edwards on the ropes and gave her a Meteora to the back. Threat gave Edwards a German suplex then F416 for the win.

Winner: Jody Threat

Backstage Gia Miller interviewed Motor City Machine Guns & she said even though the Machine Guns were successful at Rebellion in their quest to get back the Impact World Tag Team Titles, Chris Sabin now has an X Division Title shot after pinning Trey Miguel recently. Sabin said even though Motor City Machine Guns are a successful tag team, that doesn’t mean they can’t have singles success.

Sabin said he loves the name Under Siege because it’s the name of his 2nd favorite Steven Seagal movie. Shelley asked what was Sabin’s 1st favorite. Sabin said Under Siege 2 is his favorite. Sabin said he’s already a record breaking Tag Team Champion and if he beats Trey he’ll be a record breaking 9x X Division Champion. Miller asked Shelley what he’s going to do.

Shelley nonchalantly said he’s going to win the Impact World Title since people say he’s the most successful Impact wrestler not to win the title. Gia asked Shelley if he was serious because of his tone. Shelley said yeah then they left.

Gia Miller sat down with Frankie Kazarian and introduced part 2 of her sit down interview with Frankie Kazarian. Miller asked Kazarian where he went after he left Impact the first time? Kazarian said he & Christopher Daniels did a few indies but ultimately settled down in Ring Of Honor. Kazarian noted that he got to wrestle people like The Briscoes or Roderick Strong.

Kazarian said at the time Jimmy Jacobs called him a new guy. Kazarian said that motivated him to not just be a TNA guy, but a wrestler. He talked about becoming friends with Cody Rhodes & Young Bucks, which led to him being one of the first people brought into All Elite Wrestling. He said he thought his ship has finally come in, but what he found out was that every man reaches a point where you can stick with the status quo or bet on yourself.

He said his history and legacy is with Impact Wrestling. He said when he said he’d bet on himself, the only way to do that was do it in Impact Wrestling

6 Man Tag Team Match
Impact World Champion Steve Maclin, Shera & Champagne Singh vs. PCO, Heath & Rhino

Steve Maclin teased facing PCO but Champagne Singh tags himself in. PCO manhandled Singh and stomps a mudhole in him. Rhino tags in and dominated Singh with power moves. Singh managed to land a few shots on Rhino.

Heath tags in & Shera tags himself in and blindsided Heath with right hands. Shera body slams Heath into the corner and followed up with a body slam in the center of the ring.

Maclin tagged in as Maclin, Singh & Shera used tags to cut the ring in half on Heath. Heath got a window of opportunity after hitting Maclin with a powerslam. Singh & PCO tag in with PCO having the hot tag rally.

PCO gave Singh a snug DDT. PCO gave Singh a suicide cannonball. PCO gave Singh a De animator. Shera blindsided PCO while PCO was posing. Singh & Shera put PCO on the top rope, but PCO rolls off. PCO gave Shera & Singh a double lariat.

Maclin rolls away to avoid confrontation with Maclin. Rhino blindsided Maclin with a Gore to leave him lying at ringside. Singh tried to bribe PCO, which allowed Heath to nail Singh with Wake Up Call then PCO hits Singh with a PCO Sault for the win.

Winners: PCO, Heath & Rhino

Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Coven were talking about fire magic then Kilynn King said that fire comes from nature and is beautiful. Taylor Wilde lit a candle and said that when they blow out the candle Death Dollz will disappear. King said blessed freakin’ be.

The camera focused on Trinity’s locker room door.

Backstage Death Dollz met up with Father James Mitchell. Mitchell teleported into the scene. Rosemary was holding a cleaver. Mitchell said it’s ironic that things go to hell when he’s not here. Jessicka said they wouldn’t have come to Mitchell if it wasn’t important.

Rosemary said somebody is blocking their way to the Undead Realm. Jessicka said she thinks it’s The Coven. Mitchell said The Coven don’t have that kind of power and it’s being blocked by someone more powerful. Mitchell said that he can still go through and he can take Rosemary & Jessicka there with him. Rosemary said she knows that Mitchell has an ulterior motive and would want something in return. Mitchell said Rosemary better come now or else he’d be busy with the harlots and minotaurs on the other side. Rosemary said she’ll go because she has no choice.

Jessicka wanted to go too. Rosemary said they can’t get another human trapped in the Undead Realm like Taya Valkyrie. Rosemary teleported an hour glass and told Jessicka that she’d be back once the hour glass runs down

Mike Bailey vs. Jonathan Gresham

Match starts off with both men shared a handshake, which Mike Bailey made tense. Bailey & Jonathan Gresham called for a time out after they thought of the same leg takedown. Gresham jokingly trips Bailey. Gresham & Bailey had a rapid fire chain wrestling sequence with Gresham managing to get the upper hand with a headscissors. Bailey tried to use a handstand to escape but Gresham re locks in the headscissors as we go to a break.

After the break Gresham & Bailey continued to be at a stalemate, going move for move. Gresham pressured Bailey to the rope with a collar and elbow for the break. Gresham suplexes Bailey on his left arm.

Bailey & Gresham had a test of strength. Bailey dominated the test of strength. Gresham escaped and went into some joint manipulation on Bailey after Bailey escaped, both men traded armdrags. Gresham hyperextended Bailey’s left arm. Bailey came back with a missile dropkick.

Bailey hit Gresham with a Tae Kwon Do kick combo. Bailey hits Gresham with a standing shooting star for a two count. Gresham ducks a Chamber Kick. Bailey went for an armbar but Gresham blocks it. Both men traded rollup pins. Bailey hit Gresham with a standing Ultima Weapon. Gresham rolls up Bailey for a two count. Bailey hits Gresham with rapid kicks.

Bailey gave Gresham a big boot to leave him draping on the apron. Bailey hits Gresham with a slingshot Meteora to shake him off the rope to ringside. Bailey hit Gresham with a Triangle Moonsault for a two count & it takes us to a a another break

After we come back from the 2nd break Gresham works on Bailey with quick rollup variations for several near falls. Bailey nails Gresham with a pump kick. Bailey hits Gresham with a standing Spanish Fly for a two count.

Gresham put Bailey in an arm wrench with Bailey giving Gresham right elbows. Both men traded short arm elbows. Gresham gave Bailey an uppercut on the injured elbow joint.

Bailey hits Gresham with a kick combination. Bailey hit Gresham with a 360 Tornado Kick. Gresham dodges an Ultima Weapon attempt. Gresham rolled through and put Bailey in an Octopus hold & Bailey taps out.

Winner By Submission: Jonathan Gresham (Recommend)

After the match Bailey & Gresham shared a handshake.

Backstage Sami Callihan met with Rich Swann to ask him to help him fight 150 dudes in yellow hoodies. Callihan said Swann owes him. Swann said he doesn’t owe Callihan a damn thing. Callihan talked about his past where they Callihan & his dad even gave Swann housing back in the day. Callihan said he isn’t standing here as a friend but as a brother. Callihan walked off saying are you going to help me, or not?.

Impact World Champion Steve Maclin was berating Scott D’Amore for Rhino not following the rules. D’Amore said he’ll handle it. D’Amore got in Maclin’s face and booked Maclin in a match next week. D’Amore said Maclin better bring his A game because Maclin will also be defending his Impact World Title next week against Rhino.

Trinity was choked up at the reception as she thanked the fans for the warm welcome. She then soaked in welcome back chants.

She said it felt so good to be back in the ring, and back in the place where she can glow. She said she was reintroducing herself as Trinity and she has arrived in Impact Wrestling. Trinity soaked in more chants. Trinity said there’s a reason she picked Impact, because this company has the most storied women’s division in pro wrestling. She said she wants a piece of that history.

Trinity talked about this division having legends like Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, the Legendary Mickie James, Deonna Purrazzo & Jordynne Grace. She said she’s won championships, but she’s here to win more. She said the brightest star in the galaxy is ready to shine. Trinity said she came to Impact to make an Impact and she’s here to win the Knockouts Title.

Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo, made her entrance & she took a mic and said since Trinity invoked her name, she’s here to be the first to welcome Trinity to Impact Wrestling. Purrazzo said that Trinity was right in saying that Impact is the place to make history.

Purrazzo said that Trinity isn’t just walking into Impact Wrestling, but into the new age of the Virtuosa. Purrazzo said she was in Trinity’s shoes before after joining a new company. A feel the glow chant ensued. Purrazzo said that if Trinity gets a shot at the Knockouts Title and she hopes she gets a shot when Trinity steps into the ring with Purrazzo, that’s not just something you can just walk out on.

Trinity said when Purrazzo steps in the ring with her, Purrazzo will wish she gets fired again. Jordynne Grace made her entrance to join the confrontation. Grace said is it hot in here, or is it just the heat between you two?. Grace said it’s clear that the crowd wants to see Purrazzo & Trinity wrestle. Grace said she was here to remind Purrazzo that she & Grace have a match first.

Grace told Trinity if she’s looking for a Knockouts Title shot, to find Grace because Grace will be winning at Under Siege. Trinity said she’ll be waiting for the winner at Under Siege and to whoever is Knockouts Champion Let’s Dance. Trinity danced up the ramp to close the show with Grace & Purrazzo facing off in the ring