Impact Wrestling Emergence Review – August 27, 2023

Impact Wrestling Emergence Review – August 27, 2023

Mike Bailey vs. Alan Angels (Pre Show)

Mike Bailey hits Speedball kicks to the ribs then a dropkick before Alan Angels hits Rude Awakening off the ring apron to the floor then in the ring Angels kept Bailey grounded before Angels hit another Rude Awakening in the ring and Bailey hits Triangle Moonsault to the floor.

In the ring Bailey hits his series of kicks and a running Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Angels hits a standing powerbomb for a near fall then a roaring clothesline and they were both down.

Angels hits a frog splash on the legs for a near fall then a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall and Bailey sold the pain in his neck. Bailey nailed his moonsault knee drop but he misses Tornado Kick.

Bailey hits Green Tea Plunge for a near fall. Angels snaps Bailey’s neck and hits an enzuigiri. Bailey hits a superkick to the jaw then a Tornado Kick then Ultima Weapon for the win.

Winner: Mike Bailey (9:55)
Rate: 7

The Good Hands cuts a promo & they told the Canadian crowd they should be thanking the United States for bringing them culture and protecting them.

Tag Team Match
The Good Hands (John Skyler & Jason Hotch) vs. Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura (Pre Show)

Jason Hotch & Yuya Uemura starts this match off and The Good Hands beat down Uemura then Joe Hendry got the hot tag and hits a fallaway slam then a running neckbreaker for a near fall. Hendry flips Hotch up in the air and Uemura caught his head and hits a Stunner for the win.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura (6:46)
Rate: 5

No Disqualification Match
Eric Young vs. Deaner

Eric Young & Deaner immediately traded punches and Young nails a dive through the ropes on Kon. Young pulls a ladder out from under the ring and rams it into Kon. In the ring, Deaner hits a drop toe hold then sends Young onto the ladder.
On the floor Deaner chokes Young with a chain then in the ring Deaner hits him with trash can lids. Deaner got a staple gun which he used on Young’s fingers then in the armpit. He put a trash can over Young’s head and hit it with a chair.
Young hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall then he was aiming for a garbage can but it moved and Deaner avoided coming down on it.
Young handcuffs Kon in the corner then Young hits Deaner repeatedly with the trash can lid and he used the staple gun on the fingers and in the armpit. Young climbs the ladder and hits an elbow drop for a near fall.
Kon broke free of the handcuffs as Deaner hits a low blow uppercut on Young. Kon enters the ring and chokeslams Young across 2 open chairs allowing Deaner to get a near fall. Deaner went under the ring and got a barbed wire board and slid that into the ring.
Young got both men on his shoulders and hits a double Death Valley Driver onto the board then hits a piledriver on Deaner onto the barbed wire board for the win.
Winner: Eric Young (13:12)
Rate: 6
A clip of Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura pre-show win then Gia Miller interviewed Hendry and Yuya backstage. We headed to a different backstage segment where Taylor Wilde is down and injured. Jody Threat was standing nearby and Kilynn King blames Threat & Wilde didn’t see who hit her. Santino Marella orders Jody Threat to be a substitute partner for the next match
Knockouts Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs. Death Dollz (Courtney Rush & Jessicka) vs. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans vs. Kilynn King & Jody Threat
Masha Slamovich & Gisele Shaw started. Kilynn King tags herself in and traded forearm shots with Slamovich. King hits a delayed vertical suplex on Killer Kelly for a near fall then Jessicka enters and hit some jab punches on Kelly.
Everyone took a turn working over Killer Kelly before Jody Threat hits a German suplex and she was fired up. Jessicka hits a running Stinger Splash in the corner on Kelly with Courtney Rush getting a near fall. Slamovich finally got the hot tag and she hits a superkick on King.
Slamovich hits a double dropkick before Rush hits a spear on Slamovich. Savannah Evans hits a Samoan Drop. King hits a running stunner. Shaw hits a spin kick Threat hits a Michinoku Driver on Shaw. MK Ultra hits a double knee strike to Rush’s head then a double piledriver gets the win.

Winners & Still Knockouts Tag Team Champions: MK Ultra (9:07) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!!)
Rate: 6

Digital Media Title Match
Kenny King (c) vs. Johnny Swinger

Johnny Swinger kicks the middle rope causing Kenny King to get hit in the groin allowing Swinger to take the early advantage. Swinger hits a back suplex for a near fall then a slingshot leg drop across the throat and King rolls to the floor to regroup.

The ref was ejecting Sheldon Jean for interfering and was escorting him up the ramp then out of nowhere Heath jumps in the ring and hits a slam on King allowing Swinger to get a near fall before King puts Swinger on his shoulders and hits Royal Flush for the win.

Winner & Still Digital Media Champion: Kenny King (7:12) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 4

After the match Jean & King stomped on Swinger after the match. Tommy Dreamer and security came out to separate them. King attacks Dreamer.

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Mark Andrews & Trey Miguel starts this match with some mat reversals. Zachary Wentz & Flash Morgan Webster tags in before Webster hits an inverted senton. Andrews hits a standing moonsault on Wentz. Webster was flipped to the floor where Miguel beat him up before tossing Webster back into the ring.
The Rascalz took turns working over Webster in their corner and Webster was selling a left arm injury. Miguel slams Webster on the ring apron then he hit a slingshot senton for a near fall. Andrews finally made the hot tag and he hits double Pele Kick.
Andrews hits a northern lights suplex and a double stomp to the chest and he was fired up. Subculture hits stereo flip dives to the floor. In the ring Andrews hits a powerbomb on Miguel for a near fall.
Miguel hits a German suplex then Wentz hits a Meteora  for a near fall on Andrews then both teams brawled in the ring. They all fell and all kip up. The Rascalz hits stereo handspring back spin kicks and they were all down again. Webster hits Destino for a near fall before The Rascalz hits Hot Fire Flame off the ramp to the floor.
In the ring Miguel hits a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. Miguel sprayed a canister in Andrew’s eyes then ABC appeared at ringside and distracted the ref so Miguel couldn’t get the cheap pin. The Good Hands appeared and brawled with ABC.
Dani Luna hits a top rope splash to the floor on The Good Hands then in the ring Andrews hits Stundog Millionaire on Miguel. Webster hits a Swanton Bomb on Miguel for a near fall. Miguel hits a top rope double stomp on Webster he was across Wentz’s shoulders and Wentz immediately hit a Death Valley Driver for the win.
Winners & New Impact World Tag Team Champions: The Rascalz (18:03) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 7
Back To School Match
Eddie Edwards vs. Frankie Kazarian
Eddie Edwards & Frankie Kazarian brawled to the floor where Kazarian hits a hip toss on the mat then in the ring Edwards hit a backpack stunner for a near fall.
Kazarian hits a Trash Compactor for a near fall then Alisha Edwards suddenly appeared at ringside and yelled at Kazarian & it allows Edwards to hit a slam for the win.
Winner: Eddie Edwards (4:36)
Rate: 4
After the match Edwards was staring at a picture of Killer Kowalski when Alisha suddenly cracked him over the back with a kendo stick. Eddie hits Kazarian over the head with a framed picture with glass shattering everywhere. We have dramatic music playing in the background and we hear the voice of Killer Kowalski.
Sanada vs. Jake Something
Jake Something shoves Sanada to the mat before Sanada tied Something in the Paradise Lock in the bottom rope then hit the dropkick to unlock him. Something hits a running splash that sent Sanada flying then a short arm clothesline for a near fall.
Sanada hits a back suplex and they were both down then Sanada hits a plancha to the floor then in the ring Something hits a spear into the corner for a near fall. Sanada locks in Skull End. Sanada placed Something’s feet on the top rope and hits a swinging neckbreaker.
Sanada hits a TKO for a near fall then Sanada hits a top rope moonsault for near fall then Something hits a sit out piledriver for a near fall and they were both down. Sanada went for Deadfall but Something avoided it.
Something nails a sit out powerbomb for a near fall before Sanada hits an enzuigiri and a Shining Wizard then he couldn’t hit Deadfall again. Something hits a forearm that drop Sanada. Something set up for a move but Sanada counters it and nails Deadfall for the win.
Winner: Sanada (13:13)
Rate: 7
8 Man Tag Team Match
Time Machine (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley, Kushida & Chris Sabin) & Josh Alexander vs. X Division Champion Lio Rush, Bully Ray, Brian Myers & Moose
Chris Sabin & Brain Myers starts this match off but Lio Rush jumps in the ring and attacks Sabin before Kushida & Alex Shelley tied up Rush on the mat so Sabin could hit a dropkick to the face then Kushida kicks at Brian Myers’ left arm and work it over.
Moose tags in & he looks past Shelley, and demanded Josh Alexander so Alexander enters & Moose hits a dropkick into the corner. Alexander tied Moose in the tree of woe and did the Oh Canada groin stomp. Bully Ray shook the ropes causing Sabin to fall and be crotched.
This allowed Bully Ray to hit a suplex and took charge then Rush enters at continued the beatdown on Sabin. Bully, Rush, Myers & Moose set up a table at ringside so Time Machine & Alexander did too before Rush, Myers, Bully & Moose all took turns working over Sabin. Moose & Myers hit some team moves.
Alexander made the hot tag and he hit a series of German suplexes then flips Bully Ray off the top rope to the mat. Myers hit a spin kick on Shelley. Shelley hits a flatliner that drops Myers on the 2nd turnbuckle. Kushida hit a straight punch to Rush’s jaw. Bully Ray hits a back suplex on Kushida. Sabin hits a top rope missile dropkick on Bully Ray.
Sabin accidentally kicks Shelley so Moose slams Sabin on the ring apron then in the ring Moose dove at Alexander but Alexander sidesteps it caught the leg and locks an ankle lock. Alexander locks in a Sharpshooter on Moose. Myers nails a top rope elbow drop on the ref to save Moose.
Myers hits Roster Cut on Alexander then Moose hits a uranage on Sabin through the table on the floor. Kushida locks in Hoverboard Lock on Moose on the floor but Moose set Kushida on the other table, and Lio immediately hits Final Hour onto Kushida through the table on the floor.
Bully Ray & Shelley fought on the entrance ramp. Moose set up another table on the floor below then the lights went out & once the lights came back on and PCO walks down the ramp and brawls with Bully Ray. Myers hit a low blow uppercut on PCO for the save.

Bully Ray powerbombs PCO off the ramp through the table set up down on the floor but PCO immediately sat up and PCO walks toward Bully Ray but Steve Maclin came out of nowhere and attacks PCO & PCO & Bully Ray wound up vanishing to the back.

Maclin and Alexander brawl on the stage and security finally came out and separated Alexander & Maclin. Alexander got back in the ring but Moose hits a uranage on him. Moose missed a spear and crashed into the corner.
Myers pushes Alexander into Shelley & Alexander & Shelley began arguing so Shelley left the ring & this argument allowed Moose to set up in the corner but Alexander turns around and Moose cut him in half with a spear for the win.
Winners: X Division Champion Lio Rush, Bully Ray, Brian Myers & Moose (22:46)
Rate: 7
Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo traded armbar reversals before they went to the floor where Purrazzo hits a piledriver onto the thin mat then in the ring Purrazzo ties up Trinity on the mat and kept her grounded.
Purrazzo hits a Lungblower then hops to her feet and posed before they hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down. Trinity hits a Samoan Drop and she kips to her feet. She hit a top-rope crossbody for a near fall. Purrazzo hits a Mafia Kick for a near fall.
Deonna snapped an arm backward then a side Russian leg sweep into a Fujiwara Armbar with Trinity reaching the ropes. Trinity trapped Purrazzo’s head between her legs and nails a faceplant. Trinity immediately hits a split legged moonsault for a near fall.
They traded forearm shots on the top rope and Purrazzo hits a 2nd rope superplex. They got up and traded more forearm shots. Trinity hits a modified mid ring Spanish Fly before Trinity applied Starstruck before Trinity hits a sit out Bubba Bomb for a near fall.
They again fought on the ropes in the corner but Purrazzo yanks her to the mat and tried to apply a Fujiwara Armbar but Trinity escaped. Trinity hits a Code Red and again locks in Starstruck and this time Purrazzo taps out.
Winner By Submission & Still Knockouts Champion: Trinity (15:44) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7