Impact Wrestling 1000th Episode Night 2 Review – September 21, 2023

Impact Wrestling 1000th Episode Night 2 Review – September 21, 2023

Fatal 6 Way Ultimate X Match
Impact World Tag Team Champion Zachary Wentz vs. Samuray Del Sol vs. Alan Angels vs. Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann vs. Ace Austin

Mike Bailey climbs the Ultimate X ropes and hangs himself in the cables. Rich Swann hits a Poisonrana on Zachary  Wentz. Meanwhile Alan Angels is hanging on the cables close to Bailey. Swann brings down Angels. Wentz blows the spray paint in Swann’s face.

Wentz blows the spray paint in Samuray Del Sol’s face before Angels, Wentz & Ace Austin hang against the 3 other cables. Angels & Bailey are the remaining people on the cable and they both fall down. Angels gets back on the cables and Angels gets the X.

Winner: Alan Angels (9:39)
Rate: 7

Alan Angels is backstage with the X and he says this means he will not only the front man of Impact Wrestling, he will also be the front man of the X Division and he is not going to wear the for weeks like a dweeb. He will challenge Chris Sabin next week for the X-Division Title.

Alpha Bravo says Dango has something to say. Dango says he hates pro wrestling.

Jake Something vs. Dirty Dango

Jake Something spears Dango in the corner and then hits a running shoulder on Dango as he was standing outside the apron. Bravo teases hitting Something with his flashlight and Dango grabs Something from behind but Bravo accidentally hits Dango. Something hits Into The Void for the win.

Winner Jake Something (4:06)
Rate: 4

Steve Maclin is backstage and says Rhino cost him a briefcase in Feast Or Fired. He says he is going to end Rhino’s career. Rhino runs in and gores Maclin.

After the break Santino Marella says Rhino went too far. Rhino says Maclin tried to end his career and what happens is on Maclin.

Eric Young vs. Kenny King

Sheldon Jean attacks Eric Young from behind and Kenny King gets disqualified.

Winner By DQ: Eric Young (0:35)

After the match Scott D’Amore comes in and hits them with the hockey stick. Shark Boy comes out and books them in a Tag Team Match

Tag Team Match
Team Canada (Eric Young & Scott D’Amore) vs. Kenny King & Sheldon Jean

The Design come in and attacks Eric Young and we get a disqualification again.

Winners By DQ: Team Canada (0:10)

After the match Shark Boy books them in an 8 Man Tag Team Match and bring out America’s Most Wanted

8 Man Tag Team Match
America’s Most Wanted (James Storm & Chris Harris) & Team Canada (Eric Young & Scott D’Amore) vs. The Design (Deaner & Kon), Kenny King & Sheldon Jean

Eric Young looks to hit Sheldon Jean with a piledriver but Kenny King hits a blockbuster on Eric. Kon & Chris Harris face off and America’s Most Wanted clear him from the ring.

James Storm hits Last Call on Deaner. Scott D’Amore hits Sky High on Sheldon Jean followed by a piledriver by Young for the win.

Winners: Team Canada & America’s Most Wanted (9:08)
Rate: 5

We get highlights from last week’s Feast Or Fired match.

We see the holders of the briefcases gather backstage with Dave LaGreca.

They show the in ring promo from last week from Team 3D after their match.

Dave LaGreca is backstage with the briefcase holders and asks each of them want they want. Yuya Uemura, Chris Bey & Moose all say they want the Impact World Tag Team Title shot. Crazzy Steve says heart, liver or lungs. Crazzy Steve opens his briefcase and it is a Digital Media Title opportunity. Steve says and the world was full of dreamers. Moose opens his briefcase and it is a Impact World Title opportunity. Chris Bey opens his briefcase and it is a Impact World Tag Team Title opportunity. Uemura says no champions and opens his briefcase and it says Fired.

Impact World Tag Team Champion Trey Miguel vs. Josh Alexander

Trey Miguel goes to the top rope and goes for a Meteora but Josh Alexander hits a clothesline. Alexander gets Miguel on his shoulder and goes to the 2nd rope but Miguel fights out of it and takes him down with a headscissors and goes to the top rope and goes for the Meteora but Alexander grabs his foot for the Ankle Lock.

Miguel gets Alexander out of the ring. Wentz hits a knee strike on Josh and throws him in. Shelley hits Wentz with his Impact World Tag Team Title. Alexander hits C4 for the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander (9:45)
Rate: 7

After the match Alexander sarcastically says thanks to Impact World Champion Alex Shelley for helping him and that he could use it last week or at Emergence. Shelley says he did it to hurt them, not to help him. Alexander says he will get the Impact World Title at the biggest stage at Bound For Glory.

Mike Bailey is in the locker room and Jonathan Gresham comes in and asks if he’s okay. Gresham says he was checking him on him as he was facing Will Ospreay at Bound For Glory. Bailey says he’s got the perfect match for him. Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey. Gresham is cool with it.

Skyler asks Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz when would it be a good time to get the Impact World Tag Team Title opportunity as they had a deal and without them The Rascalz wouldn’t even be Impact World Tag Team Champions. Chris Bey comes in with a camera to record Skyler revealing that they had a deal and says they now have the briefcase for a Impact World Tag Team Title opportunity. Skyler says that means nothing. The Rascalz quietly sneak out of the room.

10 Woman Tag Team Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity, Jordynne Grace, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim & Mickie James vs. Deonna Purrazzo, Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans, Angelina Love & Tasha Steelz 

Mickie James & Tasha Steelz face off and James hits a boot in Steelz’s face. Deonna Purrazzo comes in and James takes her down with clotheslines and goes to the top rope but Steelz takes her down. Savannah Evans comes in and hits a forearm on her.

James hits a neckbreaker on Evans and gets the tag to Gail Kim & she hits a springboard crossbody on Purrazzo followed by the cover but Gisele Shaw breaks it up. Gail takes down both with a headscissors. Velvet Sky takes down Kim to the outside.

Steelz throws Kim back into the ring and tags to Angelina Love & she hits a side slam on Kim for two. Shaw gets the tag but she gets locked in an Octopus by Kim. Shaw rams Kim into the turnbuckle. Purrazzo gets the tag and she locks a chinlock on Kim.

Purrazzo & Gail run unto each other with a crossbody then Awesome Kong gets the tag and she clears everyone until Evans comes in. Kong takes down Evans with the clothesline and looks for a chokeslam but Purrazzo & Love attack her from behind.

Trinity & James hit a double Thesz Press on both. Trinity takes Purrazzo & Love on the outside with a crossbody. Kim hits a top rope crossbody onto everybody on the outside.

In the ring Kong hits Shaw with a backfist followed by a chokeslam. Kong hits Implant Buster for the win.

Winners: Knockouts Champion Trinity, Jordynne Grace, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim & Mickie James (15:23)
Rate: 7

After the match Angelina Love hits the Botox Injection on Jai Vidal and Sky puts the brown paper bag on his head as the faces celebrate their win.