Hulk Hogan Believes Logan Paul Should Be WWE World Champion This Year

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan shared his thoughts about Logan Paul as a performer during an appearance on Paul’s podcast.

Hogan said, “Watching you my brother, you have an opportunity to be the best big attraction in this business, simply because you got your shit together. I’ve never seen anybody get this as quick as you have. I’ve never seen anybody, since I’ve been a wrestling fan, since I was in the business, I’ve never seen anybody pick up on it as quick as you have. Your stuff looks f*ckimg believable. There’s no holes in your work. So just don’t get hurt.”

“You should not be any type of champion except the World Champion at this point. You need to make that quick transition. And if they’re smart — and Triple H is smart — that transition needs to be made this year.”

“Watching what you’re doing, you have a certain air about you. You’re a really good heel naturally, and what is so cool, you’re going to make one of the best babyfaces ever when they turn you because the more heat you get, the more they hate you, you’re gonna be an awesome babyface,” he said. “For instance, Bloodline now, they’re starting to cheer for Roman. Roman comes back, Bloodline pounds the shit out of him, [Paul] hits the ring to save Roman. It would get him over bam, instantly. Instantly babyface. It’d be Hulk Hogan babyface personified.”

You can check out the podcast below: