How Covid-19 Almost Ended Eddie Kingston’s Career

In an interview with, Eddie Kingston talked about how his wrestling career almost ended due to Covid-19. It was noted that Kingston wasn’t getting work and was on the verge of having to sell his ring gear, promotional photos and other things to pay the mortgage on his home in Orlando, FL. Kingston talked about how AEW saved his wrestling career:

“I think probably another month I would have sold the house and moved back to New York and back to my parents’ place until I could get a regular job and, you know, get my own apartment.”

“I just started crying in the car. I didn’t understand why I was crying and my girlfriend was just like, ‘Let it go, let it out because you reached a goal. You did it.’ I was like, damn. I was gonna be broke and homeless and back living with my parents. It hit me then. I just started bawling in the car and apologizing for crying. That whole New York tough guy thing, I can’t let anyone see me cry.”

“I believe God sent my niece and nephew to me not to stop wrestling because he knew good things were gonna happen.”