Goldberg Addresses The Undertaker’s Controversial WWE Remarks

As previously reported, The Undertaker appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and stated that while he tries to enjoy the current WWE product, it’s tough right now for him because “the product has changed so much and it’s kinda soft.”

In an appearance on Corey Graves’ After The Bell podcast, Bill Goldberg addressed the comments:

“When you hear the comments about me coming back and doing one or two matches a year? How you know people were like ;he doesn’t deserve it. He never paid his dues, he was never on the road and these people are on the road.’ Man people forget very quickly what all of us did back in the day. So I earned the spot that I’m in now and again I’m one of the luckiest guys in the world.”

“Yes, I believe comparatively [to my era that] the business is soft. But the business is in 2021, so things have to change and things have to be different. [We had] Mega superstars that were bigger than life, but it’s hard in this generation, seemingly, to build those people. There are a couple people who have have made it beyond relying upon the public to do that, and they forced their way up and they’ve earned their spot. Drew McIntyre is one of them.”

“I think mainly when I was talking to Drew in the beginning? I was speaking to the locker room. So I was speaking to everybody. And he’s the leader, right? So you got to go to the leader and you got to make sure that everything is taken care of in the right way. I mean, like I said, times are quite different than they were back in the day, but people are soft. People take take offence to things way too quickly, I mean you know, grow a little thicker skin, boys and girls, that’s all I can say.”