Gisele Shaw On Possibly Tagging With TNA Hall Of Famer Gail Kim

TNA star Gisele Shaw recently spoke with Fightful’s Jeremy Lambert and Joel Pearl on In the Weeds on a number of topics including if she could end up teaming with TNA Hall of Famer Gail Kim.

Shaw said, “I feel like the sky is the limit. That really depends on her. Her body, if she’s even still itching to get back in the ring. She does say she has the itch to get back in the ring. That’s up to her. One of my dreams is to partner up with Gail, be in a tag team, or even have a singles match with her. I’m going to put that in the universe and let’s see what happens. In wrestling, never say never.”

On potentially working with Kim at Slammiversary:

“It would be the coolest thing ever. The little child inside me would be freaking out so much. I gotta be professional [laughs]. It would be a dream come true. Right now, I’m grateful for her working with me and mentoring me on screen. It’s incredible. I don’t know where the story is going to end up.”

You can check out Shaw’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)