In an interview with, longtime WWE official Gerald Brisco addressed the claim that Vince McMahon surrounds himself with “yes man” who agree with him all the time:
“People who have been around [Vince] know this, Vince don’t surround himself with yes people. And I disagreed with him. I had verbal arguments with him because I didn’t agree with a lot of stuff, and he didn’t agree with me. And the guys that stuck around with Vince the longest are guys that disagreed with Vince the most, probably.”
Brisco also talked about the type of people that WWE hires:
“I really think that the WWE has the most innovative people. And I don’t work for the company anymore, so I’m not kissing anybody’s ass. But that production crew and that TV department that the WWE has, it’s the envy of the industry, it really is. Because they’re so far ahead on innovation, there’s so many creative minds there on the TV side. You know, I got an education at Oklahoma State, but I got a damn PhD working for thirty-six years at the WWE and WWF. It’s amazing. I learned TV, I learned international promotion, I learned international booking, I learned so much from that organization. It was an education working there because of the people Vince McMahon surrounded [himself] with. . . [Vince] surrounded himself with the top people of every form of entertainment and put them all under one roof and said, ‘Okay, I want you guys to come together. This is the vision, let’s do it.’ And those damn guys went out and did it, and if they couldn’t do the job he got rid of them and got somebody else. He got a lot of heat for that, but that’s a businessman. You get the best people in there and if you think you got the best, and he’s not the best, then you get rid of him and you get that guy that is the best. That’s how Vince does business and that’s how he got so damn successful.”
You can check out the full interview below: