GCW The Way I Am Results – May 20, 2023
Non Title Match
Extreme Champion Joey Janela vs. Karam
Karam tossed Joey Janela across the ring then Janela responded with a shoulder block but was still unable to get the big man off of his feet, Janela tried one more time but was planted with a shoulder block of his own sending Janela crashing to the mat.
Janela responded quickly with a tope to the floor then he rolls him back inside the ring and attempted a top rope double stomp but Karam moves out of the way and hit him with a side slam for a near fall.
They exchanged chops in the center of the ring and Janela was sent to the floor with a single chop and had his face bounced off the apron before he was again tossed across the ring like a sack of potatoes. Joey was able to fire up and hit Karam with a sunset powerbomb, Janela connected with a series of punches followed by a swinging DDT.
Janela hits Karam with a Michinoku Driver but Karam kicks out at 1 and responded with a series of chops of his own. He kicks Janela in the gut but Janela reversed it and hits Karam with a deadlift German suplex then they fought on the apron, Karam elevated Janela and hit him with a spinebuster but Janela was able to kick out at 2.
Karam tried to fire up but Janela caught him with a superkick then Janela went for a rolling elbow but Karam nails him with a slap. Janela connects with a forearm but ran into a chop but followed it up with a brainbuster. Karam went to the top rope and went for a Vader Bomb but Janela got his knees up and planted him with a Death Valley Driver followed by a top rope double stomp for the victory.
Winner: Extreme Champion Joey Janela (12:57)
Rate: 5
Breyer Wellington vs. Charles Mason
Charles Mason spat water in Breyer Wellington’s face which served as a distraction as he started to lay into Wellington with right hands and chops. Wellington fired up and drops Mason across his knee for a near fall then went for another cover but Parrow pulls Wellington out of the ring. Mason wraps his belt around the throat of Wellington and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner By DQ: Breyer Wellington (3:55)
Rate: 4
GCW Tag Team Titles Triple Threat Match
East West Express (Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne) (c) vs. Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Motor Machine Guns went to shake hands with East West Express but Los Macizos jumps them from behind and started attacking Motor City Machine Guns. Nick Wayne lept back into the ring but was caught by Los Macizos & they hit him with a neckbreaker combination. East West Express regained control of the match but were cut off by Alex Shelley & they pull him to the floor and was kick in the face by Chris Sabin.
Shelley & Oliver pair off in the ring, Sabin hits Jordan Oliver with a dragon screw through the ropes Motor City Machine Guns proceeded to hit everyone with a Dragon Screw Leg whip and they tie Los Macizos up in a tandem submission hold but Wayne made it back into the ring to make the save for his team as he dropkicks Sabin in the face.
East West Express took the match over and ran wild on Motor City Machine Guns with various tag team offenses then Shelley connects with a forearm shot then they attempted a double suplex but East West Express wrenched back on their arms and got them in stereo arm bars. Los Macizos came back into the ring and broke up the holds and then hits Oliver with a flapjack followed by a series of dropkicks to Oliver’s face.
Sabin took Los Macizos out with a top rope crossbody followed by a forearm shot from Shelley then East West Express sends everyone to the floor and took them out with big crossbodies, East West Express hits Extremo with a dropkick facebuster combination and Extremo recovered and traps Wayne’s arms behind his back as Ciclope came off the top rope with a dropkick to the back of his head.
Los Macizos & East West Express faced off in the center of the ring then they connected with their high boot back elbow combination follow by a tope from Nick Wayne. They had Extremo in position and hits him with a double Clout Cutter for the victory.
Winners & Still GCW Tag Team Champions: East West Express (13:35) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 7
Death Match
Mance Warner vs. Tommy Vendetta
Mance Warner punches Tommy Vendetta in the face then Vendetta returns fire but Warner slaps him across the face then Warner throws a chair into Tommy’s face and then hit him across the back with it for good measure then they brawled on the floor for a while by sending each other threw a couple of doors.
They fought back inside the ring, Warner grabs a staple gun but as he was about to use it on Vendetta but Vendetta fought out of it and stapled a dollar to Warner’s shoulders and one to his head. Warner wrestles the gun away from Vendetta and stapled a couple of dollars to Vendetta’s body. Warner grabs Vendetta’s tongue but before he could do anything Vendetta connected with a jumping knee.
Vendetta set up a barbed wire door in the corner but was caught with a chop from Mance followed by a headbutt. Vendetta got Warner up on his shoulders and hits him with a Death Valley Driver through a door for a near fall. Vendetta sets up a couple of chairs inside the ring and attempted to piledrive Warner but Warner fought out of it and he chokeslams Vendetta onto the chairs then goes for the cover but Vendetta kicked out at 2.
Vendetta throws a chair into Warner’s face and hits him with an Ace Crusher then hooks the leg but Warner kicks out. Vendetta set up a barbed wire door bridge then put his hands on the barbed wire then heads to the top rope and was caught with a chair to the skull from Warner and was superplexed off the top through the barbed wire door for another near fall.
Vendetta retrieved a bundle of light tubes from the back and place them in front of the body of Warner but Warner got up as he threw them into Vendetta’s face and hits him with a DDT for the victory.
Winner: Mance Warner (16:06)
Rate: 6
Death Match
John Wayne Murdoch vs. Crazy King
John Wayne Murdoch & Crazy King exchanged some Lucha holds before they eventually dropkicked a set of tubes into each other, King went for a dive but Murdoch threw a bundle of tubes into Crazy King’s face. Murdoch brought another bundle into the ring but Murdoch caught Crazy King with a Koji Clutch.
Murdoch tossed King through a pane of glass and followed it up with a tube assisted Lariat. Murdoch grabs another tube but Crazy King responded with a bundle of his own Crazy King placed a bundle over Murdoch’s chest but Murdoch responded and broke the tubes across King’s back and set up a door bridge in the center of the ring.
Murdoch hammered a gusset into King’s head but King reversed and hit Murdoch with an FU off the top rope through the door for a 2 count. King hits Murdoch with a tube assisted piledriver for another near fall then Murdoch got King back up on the top rope and hits him with Deep South Destroyer for the victory.
Winner: John Wayne Murdoch (9:54)
Rate: 6
Fatal 5 Way Match
Cole Radrick vs. Alec Price vs. August Matthews vs. Davey Bang vs. Caleb Konley
Bang Bros took control of the match as they attempted to hit Ride The Bus but Cole Radrick caught him with a forearm. Caleb Konley & Alec Price pair off then Konley took Price off his feet with a crossbody and August Matthews tried to come in and was crotched on the top rope and took Bang out with a lariat.
Alec Price ran wild until Konley cut him off but his advantage didn’t last long as Radrick took everyone out with a crossbody followed by one from Alec Price from off the stage.
Konley knocks Price to the floor but Radrick caught him with a butterfly suplex followed by Lil Sebastian’s Curse for the victory.
Winner: Cole Radrick (6:29)
Rate: 5
Blake Christian vs. Effy
Blake Christian out wrestles Effy to start the match off then they reset and Christian connects with a chop across Effy’s chest then Effy drops to his knees hits a Spinaroonie, and hits Christian with an Axe Kick before he sent him into the corner and hit him with a series of backbreakers. Christian kicks Effy in the face as he got back on offense and started to beat Effy up in the corner before Effy caught Christian with the Gayrancula, Effy broke the hold and hit him with a backsplash for a near fall.
Christian caught Effy with a handspring kick followed by a dropkick to the floor then Christian connects with a baseball slide followed by crossbody to both the outside and inside Christian tied up Effy in a submission move and kicks him at the top of his head then Christian tossed Effy across the ring with a belly to back suplex followed by a stomp to the back of Effy’s knees.
Christian went for a top rope double stomp but Effy moves out of the way, they fought on the apron and caught Effy with a spear followed by a Fosbury Flop. Christian launches himself back into the ring with a moonsault press followed by a 450 Splash then goes for the cover but Effy kicks out at 2. Effy tried to roll Christian up but pops out and struck Effy with a double knee to his face then Effy & Christian traded big boots.
Christian connected with a superkick but Effy was able to hit him with an Under The Rainbow for another two count then Effy set up a door bridge and tried to go for Sack Ryder but Christian caught him with a powerbomb but still managed to kicks out at two. Christian throws a chair and it hit the ref in the face, Effy hits Christian with Sack Ryder for the visual pinfall then Christian hits Effy in the face with a wrench for the win.
Winner: Blake Christian (18:29)
Rate: 6
GCW World Title Fatal 5 Way Match
Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Maki Itoh vs. Allysin Kay vs. Shazza McKenzie vs. LuFisto
Maki Itoh, Allysin Kay, Shazza McKenzie & LuFisto targeted Masha Slamovich then Itoh broke the pin up that LuFisto had on Slamovich then Itoh hits a 4 way DDT and hits LuFisto with a running boot to the face but Slamovich broke the pin attempt up and started to target Itoh. She kicks Itoh in the face but Itoh was able to kick out at 2 then Slamovich took everyone out on the floor with a tope which allowed Shazza McKenzie to gain the advantage in the match and lit up Allysin Kay with a series of kicks to the chest.
LuFisto cut off the progress and beat down McKenzie then the match broke down with everyone getting a chance to shine, Itoh ate a chair shot to the head but it only fired her up, and started to go to town on McKenzie’s forehead with a pizza cutter. Kay sets up a door in the corner, and they all brawl on the floor, McKenzie & LuFisto fought to the center of the ring, they traded standing switches then McKenzie hits a tope to the floor, Itoh hits Kay with a swinging DDT on the floor followed by a senton from Slamovich.
Kay drops Slamovich on her head but LuFisto broke the pin up with a knee. Itoh broke up the pin attempt and hit another DDT this time onto LuFisto. McKenzie was hit with a vertical suplex, Itoh hits another swinging DDT and started to carve away at McKenzie’s head with the pizza cutter then Kay dumps Itoh on her head but was caught with a Death Valley Driver onto Kay through the door. Slamovich hit LuFisto with the White Knight Driver and chokes out McKenzie for the victory.
Winner By Submission & Still GCW World Champion: Masha Slamovich (12:25) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7
Ultraviolent Title Match
Rina Yamashita (c) vs. Jimmy Lloyd
Rina Yamashita & Jimmy Lloyd grabs light tubes and swung at each other Lloyd was able to make contact first but Yamashita didn’t waste any time in firing back with one of her own. They each grab a gusset, Lloyd was able to utilize the gusset place first then he went for a suplex but Yamashita blocks it with a kick to the back of his head. Lloyd then felt the rather of the gusset plate as Yamashita smashed one in Lloyd’s forehead.
Yamashita took a back bump on two tubes then Lloyd fells for the trap and took a bump on the tubes himself but Rina quickly tried to roll him up but Lloyd kicks out. Yamashita tried to get Lloyd up for a suplex but he reversed it with a DDT onto some tubes. Lloyd broke a tube over Yamashita’s head and started to carve away at her forehead with the broken end of the tube.
They battled on the apron & Yamashita got Lloyd up on her shoulders and sent him off the apron with a Death Valley Driver to the floor through a door. Yamashita bounced off of Lloyd and landed in the 2nd row. Back inside the ring they exchanged forearms back & forth Yamashita connects with a flurry of strikes and hits Lloyd over the head with a chair followed by a release German suplex.
Lloyd pops up and hit a dragon suplex followed by a forearm shot, Yamashita wouldn’t go down as he hit her over the head with a bundle of tubes. Lloyd plants Yamashita with a Package Piledriver but Yamashita kicks out Lloyd set up a glass bridge in the corner and drove her through it with an Assault Driver but Yamashita kicks out at 1.
Lloyd tried to powerbomb Yamashita through the glass pane in the corner but she blocks it and sent him through the pane with another Death Valley Driver.
Lloyd kicks out at 2 and Yamashita placed a bundle across his chest and climbs to the top rope, she came off the top with a big splash but Lloyd was able to leverage the pin away from Yamashita. They reset as Yamashita set up 2 chairs in the center of the ring and set up a barbed wire door bridge and sent Lloyd through it with a Razor’s Edge for the victory.
Winner & Still Ultraviolent Champion: Rina Yamashita (12:30) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7