GCW Thank Me Later Review – June 17, 2023
Starboy Charlie vs. Cole Radrick
Starboy Charlie & Cole Radrick starts this match off battling for leverage as they each work each other over with Charlie eventually getting the advantage with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Radrick got a quick near fall but they reset and Radrick nails him with a chop followed by a Lucha arm drag. Charlie fired up and hit a dropkick into a shooting star splash for a near fall.
Charlie backs him up in the corner and lit him up with a series of strikes back into a wrist lock. Starboy connected with a couple of chops but he got tripped up in the corner and was taken down with a bulldog and another series of chops. Charlie fired back up but was caught with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.
Radrick misses a Hidden Blade and was hit with a poisonrana then he misses a spin kick but caught Radrick’s attempt at a springboard stunner and hit him with a driver for another near fall. Radrick fired back up with a series of kicks followed by a springboard stunner but it wasn’t enough as Charlie hit him with a tombstone followed by a head kick for the victory.
Winner: Starboy Charlie (9:28)
Rate: 6
Kevin Knight vs. Alec Price
Kevin Knight & Alec Price traded standing switches then Knight got the advantage with a wrist kick into a dive and Price responded with multiple kip ups into an arm drag then they ran a sequence of evasions which ended in a stalemate then Price went to shake Knight’s hand but kicked him in the balls instead.
Knight responded with a tilt a whirl backbreaker but Price fired back up with a slingshot clothesline into a back suplex for a near fall. Knight lit him up with a series of chops but Price responded with a spike rana for another near fall. Price slows the match down with a headlock takeover but was quickly taken off of his feet with a step up dropkick followed by a dive to the floor.
He capitalized with a powerbomb but Price kicked out at 2 then they traded uppercuts and kicks Price sent Knight to the floor and wipes him out with a dive then he went for another move off the top rope but Knight met him up there but Price hung him up and hits a double stomp for a near fall.
They continued to go back & forth with offensive and a sequence of pins with Knight eventually rolling him up for the victory.
Winner: Kevin Knight (10:12)
Rate: 6
Tag Team Match
Extreme Champion Joey Janela & Sawyer Wreck vs. Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo)
Sawyer Wreck & Ciclope starts the match off as Ciclope still wearing his backpack. Ciclope ducks a big boot as Joey Janela came in to distract Ciclope & Miedo Extremo cuts him off with a dropkick Los Macizos teamed up on Janela then Wreck tried to make the save but they trip her too and levels her with a running knee. Janela broke free and sent them to the floor where Wreck took them out with a dive.
She sent them back in and they nails Janela with a lariat and Wreck again tried to make the save but was again taken out with a series of dropkicks. They traded fists in the center of the ring, Extremo superkicks Wreck and they hits Janela with a powerbomb then Wreck throws a chair at Ciclope & Janela sends Extremo crashing through a chair for a near fall.
Wreck fires up and took out Los Macizos with big boots. Wreck sets up a door bridge in the center of the ring then she tried to chokeslam them through it but they took her out with a dropkick. Janela tried to protect her but was hit with a Doomsday Device. Extremo beat them further with a steel chair and then retrieved a ladder.
Ciclope sends Janela through a door in the corner then they tried to beat up Wreck but Janela responded with a door to their heads. Wreck & Ciclope climbs to the top of the ladder where she chokeslams Ciclope off the top through the door to get the win.
Winners: Extreme Champion Joey Janela & Sawyer Wreck (11:40)
Rate: 5
Santana Jackson vs. Jimmy Lloyd
Santana Jackson dances then Jimmy Lloyd tried to roll him up but Jackson kicks out and sends Lloyd to the floor and took him out with a dive but Lloyd kicks him in the balls and took him out with a driver as he took control of the match. Jackson fought him off with a series of punches in the corner before they battle on the apron.
Lloyd drops him with a piledriver as Thriller played as Jackson returns in the Thriller costume as he beat Lloyd down with Thriller playing in the background then Jackson got a near fall on Lloyd & he hits Jackson with a piledriver then goes for the cover but Jackson kicks out and hits a moonwalk DDT for the win.
Winner: Santana Jackson (5:59)
Rate: 5
Triple Threat Match
Jack Cartwheel vs. Titus Alexander vs. Kevin Blackwood
Jack Cartwheel & Kevin Blackwood each did Cartwheels then the crowd beg for Titus Alexander to do one but he rush in to take out Cartwheel but Cartwheel moves out of the way as he & Blackwood team up to take down Alexander before turning on each other. They did a triple pinfall spot then Blackwood ran wild on Alexander with a series of strikes and kicks but it wasn’t enough to put away Alexander.
They traded forearm strikes in the center of the ring, Cartwheel flips out of some offense and took them off their feet with a flying dropkick then he connects with a Penalty Kick to Blackwood follow by a senton from Alexander. Alexander & Cartwheel picks up the pace, Titus did a cartwheel, flips Cartwheel off and kicks him in the head.
They started battling on the floor, Alexander sent both of them into the ring post, Alexander hits Cartwheel with a backbreaker and Blackwood responded with a series of kicks to both of them before he & Alexander again traded forearms but Cartwheel cuts them both off with a DDT.
Cartwheel hits Alexander with a top rope destroyer followed by Cartwheel off the top rope onto both of them for a near fall. Blackwood lifts Cartwheel up with kicks, Alexander hits him with a pump kick but was taken out with a powerbomb then goes for the cover but Cartwheel broke up the pin. Cartwheel hits a deadlift angle slam on Blackwood followed by a back handspring elbow.
Alexander kicks him in the head and hit a double rolling Chaos Theory. Cartwheel stomps away at Alexander, he & Blackwood battle on the top rope, Alexander again cut them off but wasn’t able to make the pin as Blackwood came off the top with a double stomp.
Alexander but then with tandem back suplexes then goes for a pin but they both kick out. Blackwood was spike on the apron with a piledriver then Cartwheel fired up by hitting a Sasuke Special followed by a Spiral Tap onto Blackwood for the victory.
Winner: Jack Cartwheel (16:49)
Rate: 7
Non Title Match
Ultraviolent Champion Rina Yamashita vs. Maki Itoh
Rina Yamashita & Maki Itoh stood nose 2 nose in the center of the ring before Itoh pie faced Yamashita and tried to take her down but Yamashita didn’t budge, Yamashita took over the match as Itoh repeatedly tried to take Yamashita off of her feet with shoulder tackles so Itoh told Yamashita to do it but Itoh trips her but Yamashita pops back up and took her out with a running lariat in the corner.
Yamashita went under the ring and grabs a couple of chairs and a door. Yamashita slams Itoh on a pile of chairs then she places one across Itoh’s back and beat her with it then goes for a cover Itoh was still able to kick out then they traded knees and strikes in the center of the ring placed Itoh’s head on a chair and hits her in the face.
Yamashita places a door in the corner and tried to suplex Itoh through it but Itoh blocks it and took her down with a series of headbutts and 10 punches in the corner, Itoh took her out with a DDT as the fight moved to the floor. Itoh hits Yamashita with another DDT. Itoh went back into the ring and grabs her pizza cutter. Yamashita wrestled away the cutter as they battled for position Itoh won the battle and cut Yamashita’s head.
Itoh rams Yamashita’s head off the door in the corner but Yamashita fought out of it and hits Itoh with an air raid crash through the door. They traded fists in the center of the ring, Yamashita levels her but Itoh pops back up only to be hit with a suplex but Itoh was able to escape and but Yamashita with a DDT.
They reset and took turns bouncing each other’s heads off a chair, Itoh hits Yamashita over the head and set up for the boot scraper which connected but only resulted in a near fall. Itoh went for a diving headbutt but Yamashita moves out of the way and nails Itoh with a chair shot then goes for a cover Itoh still kicks out.
Yamashita tries to go for Splash Mountain but Itoh wriggled out of it but was still hit with Dead Eye for a 2 count then Yamashita fired up & hits Splash Mountain for the victory.
Winner: Ultraviolent Champion Rina Yamashita (17:37)
Rate: 7
Effy vs. Kenny King
Effy & Kenny King engaged in a wrist lock and then a waist lock before Effy ducks a clothesline and drops to his knees then they started dancing but Effy drops him with a back body drop followed by a chest breaker eventually into a gutwrench suplex. Effy locks in the Gayrancula before he hits King with an atomic drop before King kicks Effy in the head.
King connected with a brutal kick to the fac then he locks in the camel clutch and made Effy humble. EFFY tried to fire up but Kenny caught him with a scoop slam then Effy responds with a brother lights suplex into a drop. Effy took King out with a hip attack followed by a big spear for a near fall.
King connects with a spinebuster followed by a Tiger Driver for another near fall. Effy hits Sack Ryder but King attempted a leverage pin but Effy hits him with a series of strikes to score the win.
Winner: Effy (11:18)
Rate: 6
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Nick Gage
Match starts off with a lock up then Nick Gage backs Zack Sabre Jr into the corner and they had w clean break then they engage in a lock up then ZSJ grabs the leg but Gage made it to the ropes before any damage was done. ZSJ tried to take him over with a wrist lock but Gage wrestle out of it and was quickly taken to the mat with a series of arm drags. Gage held his own in the early moments of the match as they began to brawl on the floor.
ZSJ threw a beer at Gage’s head as they began trading fists around ringside. Gage bounced ZSJs face off the mat repeatedly and rolled him back into the grabs a chair and slid it into the ring. ZSJ threw them out of the ring. Gage slid a door in and distracted ZSJ and hits him with a neckbreaker then Gage went for a spear but ZSJ blocks it and hits him with a Penalty Kick & this gave ZSJ the opening to start to work over Gage’s limbs.
ZSJ kicks Gage in the face a couple of times but was caught with a spear that sent them both through the door. Gage dumps a bag of thumbtacks in the ring but ZSJ trips him up and started to stomp Gage’s hands on the tacks. ZSJ locked in a triangle choke but Gage made it to the ropes, Gage fired up and hits ZSJ with a DDT on the tacks followed by a spinebuster. Gage hit his reverse springboard elbow followed by a boot scrape.
This took out ZSJ long enough for Gage to grab a bunch of chairs and set them up in the center of the ring. Gage brought ZSJ onto the chairs and spiked him with a piledriver for another near fall. ZSJ fought out of the choke breaker and locked in a sleeper hold.
Gage reversed it and locks in one of his own before hitting ZSJ with the choke breaker for another near fall then Gage locks in a crossface and ZSJ broke out of it as they began to trade forearm strikes. ZSJ rolls through and picks up Gage’s ankle and locks in an ankle lock but Gage fought out if but ZSJ ties Gage up & bends him in half for the win.
Winner: Zack Sabre Jr (14:59)
Rate: 7
Matches Of The Night
Triple Threat Match
Non Title Match
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Nick Gage