GCW Clean Up Man Results – July 8, 2023
Fatal 4 Way Match
Alec Price vs. Brogan Finlay vs. Dustin Waller vs. Grim Reefer
All 4 men ducked some shots before Grim Reefer stood in the center and lit up a joint then he offers it to Dustin Waller & Brogan Finlay and they both refused. Alec Price was more than willing to indulge but before he could take the blunt then Waller kicks him in the head. Reefer ran wild on Finlay then hit a flip dive onto everyone on the outside.
Finlay levels Reefer with a boot and he & Price ran a couple of dive spots which culminated in Price walking the ropes and hitting a big Lucha arm drag. Waller took out Price with a spike DDT for a near fall. Waller went for a dive but Finlay cut him off with a dropkick followed by a series of chops in the corner. Waller tried to fire up but Finlay gif him with an uppercut followed by a series of suplexes.
Waller fired up and took Finlay out with a kick to the face followed by a standing shooting star press then Price returns to the ring as Finlay rolled to the outside and hits a snap dragon on Waller followed by a series of running boots. Price went for the pin but Reefer broke it up and dove to the outside Price also launched himself outside.
Waller picked up the pieces but couldn’t get the pin on Price then Reefer hits him with a Piledriver then Finlay hits Reefer with an Emerald Flowsion but Price snuck in at the last second kicks Finlay in the head to get the win.
Winner: Alec Price (7:05)
Rate: 7
6 Man Tag Team Match
The SAT (Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo & Will Maximo) vs. Wasted Youth (Dyln McKay & Marcus Mathers) & Jimmy Lloyd
Jose Maximo & Marcus Mathers starts off the match as Mathers for his leg pick. They both tried for a hip toss but they both blocked it before Mathers lands a kick to his head. Joel Maximo & Jimmy Lloyd were next in as Lloyd took him off his feet with a neckbreaker followed by a kick to his face. Dyln McKay was next in they too ran some spots then McKay got the best of the situation before he tags Mathers back in and they hit a series of tandem offensive maneuvers.
Mathers got a near fall with a northern lights suplex before he laid in some chops but was taken off his feet, sent to the floor and taken out with a Doomsday Device. Back in the ring Mathers was caught in an STF followed by a side headlock. McKay got the hot tag and took out The SAT with a dropkick McKay hits a flip dive to the floor followed by a shooting star but was only able to get a two count.
McKay was stop after he was hit with a double team spike piledriver before Mathers came in to try and make the save but was caught and hits Washing Machine. Jimmy entered the match and hit a double cutter, but he got caught on the top rope with McKay and gets hit with a lariat. The SAT set Mathers up and hit him with the Spanish Fly but Lloyd & McKay made the save. Mathers hit a rope walk destroyer and Lloyd & McKay hits a Shooting Star assisted Tombstone for the victory.
Winners: Wasted Youth & Jimmy Lloyd (10:42)
Rate: 6
Triple Threat Match
John Wayne Murdoch vs. Cole Radrick vs. Effy
Effy & John Wayne Murdoch started brawling after Effy cuts a promo asking for a match, Cole Radrick came out and started beating up JWM. Effy hits Radrick with an atomic drop before they slap each other in the face and JWM returned and laid in some shots.
Radrick sent him into the corner and took Effy out with a moonsault then JWM hits Radrick with a lariat followed by a neckbreaker into a big boot before they went to the floor where they traded lariats, neither one was able to take the other down so they went underneath the ring for a door.
Radrick throws a chair on Effy and hits him with a big running leg lariat. JWM caught Radrick in the head with a chair and lit him up with some chops. Effy hits a double blockbuster followed by a double spear as both men were in opposite corners which allowed Effy to run wild with boots.
Radrick hits a chair assisted 619 into a Swanton but JWM nails him with a piledriver before JWM hits Radrick with Deep South Destroyer off the top through a door, Effy cuts him off with the Sack Ryder & Under The Rainbow.
He went for the pin but Murdoch broke it up with a door to the back of Effy’s head and a brainbuster to Radrick on a chair for the victory.
Winner: John Wayne Murdoch (8:54)
Rate: 5
Non Title Match
Extreme Champion Joey Janela vs. Charles Mason
Match starts off with a lock up then Charles Mason caught Joey Janela with a dropkick followed by a series of chops so Janela responded with a rebound suplex followed by a series of right hands which drops Mason.
Janela sends Mason to the floor with a lariat and went for a dive but Parrow pulls his leg which gave Mason enough time to spit in Janela’s face and drop him head first in the apron. Mason brought Janela back into the ring and planted him with a suplex.
Mason fish hooks Janela’s mouth Mason lifts Janela up in the corner but Janela fired up and hit a desperation destroyer. Janela turns Mason inside out with a lariat before he hits a brainbuster but Mason was able to kick out. Janela hit a big dive to the floor, he jump off the stage which took out Parrow.
Janela hits a superkick then went to the top rope went for the double stomp but Mason moves out of the way. Parrow slid in a door and 2 chairs which allowed Mason to set up a door bridge. Janela took Mason off the top through the door bridge with a suplex but Mason kicks out.
Janela went back up to the top but Parrow knocks him off and hits a sit out powerbomb but Janela fires up with a series of forearms but it wasn’t enough as Mason sent Janela chest first into the exposed turnbuckle and hit him with a spinning Tombstone for the victory.
Winner: Charles Mason (14:12)
Rate: 6
After the match Justin Credible came out and stood face to face with Mason & Parrow but them with the Cane and celebrated in the ring.
GCW World Title Match
Blake Christian (c) vs. Richard Holliday
Blake Christian nails Richard Holliday with a dropkick and sent him to the floor where he tossed him into the chairs. Holiday levels him with a lariat and bounced his head off all 4 of the turnbuckles then he follows that up with a reverse back elbow into a sidewalk slam but it wasn’t enough to keep Christian down.
Christian went for a springboard maneuver but Holliday blocks it and hits a Black Hole Slam then Christian fires up and took the fight to the apron where he spears Holiday then Christian slows the pace down as he went to work on with a series of lariats into a Figure 4.
They fought back to a standing base where Christian was able to hit another springboard moonsault followed by a kick to the back of Holliday’s head. Holliday ducks a lariat and took Christian off his feet with a series of his own. Christian hits Holliday with a running step up 450 Splash for a near fall.
Christian went for a superplex but Holliday was able to reverse it in mid air and hits a neckbreaker for a near fall. Christian thumbs Holliday in the eyes, Christian missed the ref with the GCW World Title.
Holliday was able to hit Christian with GCW World Title but he held up but handed the GCW World Title back to Christian then kicks him in the balls and got near fall before Christian hits Hidden Blade followed by Curb Stomp to get the win.
Winner & Still GCW World Champion: Blake Christian (16:20) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7
Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Los Mazisos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) vs. Waves & Curls (Jayden Brandyn & Traevon Jordan) vs. YoKai (Yoya & Janai Kai)
YoKai clears the ring and poses but were quickly attacked by Los Macizos & they sent them both to the outside after a suplex, Waves & Curls attacks Yoya with the tandem offense, they did the same to Janai Kai and follows it up with a dive to the floor.
Los Macizos ran wild on Waves & Curls with more tandem offense then Ciclope got caught with a Chokeslam from Traevon Jordan then Kai faces off with Los Macizos but was quickly taken down with a neckbreaker but Yoya broke the pin up with a Destroyer on Meido Extremo which broke up the pin.
YoKai cleared the ring and set up a door bridge Los Macizos returns and beat YoKai down with chairs, Yoya for a quick victory roll on Extremo but Ciclope broke it up as they took Yoya to the top rope and sent him through the door bridge with a Doomsday Device for the victory.
Winners: Los Mazisos (10:01)
Rate: 6
GCW Tag Team Titles Match
East West Express (Nick Wayne & Jordan Oliver) (c) vs. Gringo Loco & Jack Cartwheel
Jordan Oliver & Jack Cartwheel starts this match off with a standing switch then Oliver hits a back elbow which gave him control of the match. Cartwheel for out of it as he trips Oliver up then hits him with a moonsault followed by a top rope Vader bomb from Gringo Loco.
Nick Wayne & Loco paired off & Loco levels Wayne with a kick to the back of his head followed by work to his arm & they hits Loco with repeated dropkicks Loco was able to tag out but Cartwheel didn’t have much better luck as East West Express went to work on his arm as well. Cartwheel & Oliver started throwing strikes at each other. East West Express continued to make quick tags back & forth.
Cartwheel hit Wayne with a crucifix bomb, and they each struggled to make it to their corners when they did, Loco came in with a series of Lucha arm drags followed by a fallaway slam for a near fall. Wayne receded a military press into a rana followed by a chin breaker neckbreaker combo before Oliver levels Cartwheel with a dropkick followed by a Batista Bomb for another near fall.
Oliver went for the clout cutter but Cartwheel picks him out of mid air with a dropkick then Wayne went to take out Loco but was caught with an inverted Death Valley Driver. Oliver & Loco traded fists in the center of the ring, Wayne levels Loco with a forearm but he wasn’t able to capitalize as Cartwheel cut him off.
East West Express locks in tandem arm bars but Loco & Cartwheel before Cartwheel blocks the Clout Cutter by knocking Wayne off the top rope then Oliver lost his balance which allowed Loco to toss him and Cartwheel to hit an elbow drop.
Cartwheel hits a Sasuke Special to the floor followed by an incredible Spiral Tap but Wayne was able to kick out at the last second then East West Express ran wild with dives before they drill Cartwheel to the mat with a double Clout Cutter.
Winners & Still GCW Tag Team Champions: East West Express (16:01) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!!)
Rate: 7
Utami Hayashishita vs. Billie Starkz
Utami Hayashishita & Billie Starkz starts this match off with a test of strength then it turns into a standing switch where Starkz briefly got control of her arm Starkz took Hayashishita down and had a head scissors locked in. Hayashishita was able to escape as they reset. Hayashishita took Starkz off her feet but Starkz responded with a basement dropkick & it gets a near fall.
Starkz ran Hayashishita face first into the turnbuckle and hits her with a big boot then Hayashishita lifts her up with some for arms followed by a dropkick then Starkz fought her off and they started reading forearms in the center of the ring. Hayashishita nails Starkz with an elbow before they traded suplexes.
Hayashishita rushes in but Starkz caught her with a kick followed by a Gory Special for a near fall. Hayashishita hits Starkz with a fallaway slam followed by a sliding lariat for a near fall then Starkz sends Hayashishita to the floor and wipes her out with a rope. Starkz went to the top rope but Hayashishita met her up there and hit her with a superplexed.
Starkz held on and hit Hayashishita with a neckbreaker then Starkz hits Hayashishita with repeated boots to her face before they traded forearms Hayashishita nailed her with a lariat.
They traded quick near falls before Starkz ducks a lariat and spikes Hayashishita with a piledriver for a near fall. Starkz went Dir A Sea Fin but Hayashishita put her knees up and hits her with a sit out powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Utami Hayashishita (10:38)
Rate: 7
Nick Gage vs. Psycho Clown
Nick Gage took Psycho Clown down with an arm drag as they faced off in the center of the ring then Gage picks the elf, Clown did the same thing then Clown pie faces Gage which only fired Gage up even more. They both took each other down with shoulder tackles followed by side suplexes, they traded fists in the center of the ring and Gage went to the floor and hit Clown over the head with a chair a couple of times.
They continued to brawl into the crowd as they traded chips on the hard cam platform and Gage continued to ram Clown’s head into chairs around ringside. Back inside the ring, Clown bit Gage with a forearm followed by a basement dropkick for a near fall. Gage recovered on the outside but was caught with a dive from Clown.
Clown tossed Gage into the row of chairs then sets Gage up and put a trash can over his head and then hit him with a chair. They returned to the ring where Clown hits Gage in the balls with a chair and drags him into the corner where he hit a split legged moonsault for two count.
Clown took off his belt and hits Gage across the back with it repeatedly then Gage fired up and hit Clown with a DDT followed by a boot scrape in the corner. Gage places a chair across Clown and hit a recess back elbow for a another near fall. Gage sets a door up in the corner but was scoop slams through it.
Clown set up a bunch of chairs in the center of the ring, they brawled on top of the chair. gage brought out the pizza cutter and started slicing swag at Clown’s head. Gage hits Clown with a piledriver in the chairs but Clown again kicks out.
Gage set up a barbed wire door bridge but Clown fought Gage off on the top rope and took Gage back into the ring with a Spanish Fly through the barbed wire door. Clown came off the top rope with a dive but Gage caught him and stacks him up for the victory.
Winner: Nick Gage (18:11)
Rate: 7
Matches Of The Night
GCW World Title Match
GCW Tag Team Titles Match
Utami Hayashishita vs. Billie Starkz
Nick Gage vs. Psycho Clown