The lineup for next week’s episode of WWE NXT is already taking shape.
On this week’s installment of the weekly two-hour prime time Tuesday night NXT on USA show at the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, FL., four matches were announced for next week’s show.
Scheduled for the Tuesday, March 19, 2024 episode of WWE NXT on the USA Network is Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley, Riley Osborne vs. a member of the No Quarter Catch Crew for the NXT Heritage Cup Championship, The O.C. vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger in a Triple-Threat Tag-Team Qualifier, as well as Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. two members of the NQCC in another Triple-Threat Tag-Team Qualifier.
Make sure to join us here every Tuesday night at 8/7c for live WWE NXT results coverage from Orlando, FL.