Vince McMahon was a notorious ribber.
Former WWE writer Freddie Prinze Jr. knows this well.
On the latest episode of his Wrestling With Freddie podcast, the former WWE writer and actor reflected on Vince McMahon pulling a rib on Big Show on live WWE television.
Featured below is an excerpt from the show where Prinze Jr. tells the story of the former WWE CEO and Chairman having Big Show appear on a WWE SmackDown segment in 2010 dressed up as Santa Claus and utilizing a chair that was designed to shatter when he sat on it.
“This was a rib that he just pulled on live TV on Big Show. The chair Big Show was going to sit in when he was gonna read a Santa Claus story because that’s good TV, was gonna break when he sat in it. I was just like, ‘Oh, Jesus.’ He’s [Vince] like, ‘And you better not frigging tell him!’ I was like, ‘What am I gonna hear, man?’ Every creative bone in my body hates this. Every ounce of morality I have hates this. But that’s my boss, like, what am I going to do?”
Check out the complete episode of the Wrestling With Freddie podcast by visiting Apple.com. H/T to WrestlingInc.com for transcribing the above quotes.