Former WWE Superstar Was Originally Going to Be Known as ‘The Rock’

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Ken Shamrock joined WWE in early 1997 and served as a special guest referee for the WrestleMania 13 Submission Match between Bret Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin. By the end of the year, Shamrock had established himself as a wrestler in his own right, competing against characters such as The Rock, The Undertaker, Owen Hart, and others.

Shamrock revealed in a recent interview with Wrestling Shoot Interviews that he was originally known as ‘The Rock.’

“When he started using ‘The Rock’ I said ‘bro, you know I was The Rock first, right? He looked at me very confused and then I had a contract where I had all that carved out. So, I said, ‘bro, no seriously, I got it in my contract…UFC and WWF, in both of those I had in the contract World’s Most Dangerous Man, Ken ‘The Rock’ Shamrock, Lions Den, all those things…I own those, those are mine, those are my trademarks.”

You can watch a clip from the interview below: