Former WWE Star Reveals There Was an Idea for Him to Be Kane’s Brother Abel

During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, former WWE star Matt Morgan discussed how, while still wrestling for the OVW developmental system in 2004, there was an idea for him to play Kane’s brother Abel.

“Johnny Ace and Stephanie [McMahon] wanted me to wear a mask to work on my body language, right. And so I remember Jim Cornette just being like, ‘What? What are you doing? He’s like our top babyface champion. Why have you got to wear this? This is stupid.’ And I’ll always be grateful to Jimmy for that. I love Jimmy. And anyway, so they put me in this stupid mask, and Jimmy found a way to make it work because he’s freaking brilliant.”

The plan was scrapped, and Morgan debuted on the main show without the mask and with a stuttering gimmick instead.

Morgan’s comments are around 46:45 into the podcast.