Former WWE star Samuray Del Sol AKA Kalisto made an appearance at the January 3rd DDT Pro-Wrestling First Dream 2023 event.
3・21後楽園大会に参戦することが発表された元WWEスーパースター、ルチャドラゴンズのカリストこと、サムライ・デル・ソルがひと足早く来日! 後楽園のファンと一緒に「ル! チャ! ル! チャ!」チャント!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/bD6KOcSi4l#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/QvFolwpInX
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) January 3, 2023
It has been confirmed that Samuray Del Sol will appear on DDT Pro’s upcoming March 21st event at Korakeun Hall in Tokyo.
Samuray Del Sol wasted little time as he challenged the current DDT Universal Champion Yuki Ueno to a title match.
1.3 後楽園大会 試合後コメント?
デル・ソル@gloat 「DDT面白いな! 頭にはひとつの名前しか浮かばない! 上野勇希! おまえのUNIVERSALのベルトを賭けて勝負しろ!」#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/e418eNB1LW
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) January 3, 2023
While there has been no match confirmation as of yet, it appears that Yuki Ueno, should he still be champion, will defend his title on March 21 against Samuray Del Sol.