Former WWE Official Recalls Shawn Michaels Refusing to Drop the IC Title

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Former WWE official Mike Chioda recently discussed various topics on his Monday Mailbag with Mike Chioda podcast.

During the podcast, the former WWE referee discussed Shawn Michaels’ reputation for having an attitude during his original run with WWE, including a time when he refused to relinquish the Intercontinental Title.

“I’m keeping my f***ing IC title,” which the former WWE Chairman was quick to respond to. “Vince I remember he was f***ing steaming and he paused for a few seconds and he goes, ‘Well okay, ‘cos I’ve got many more where that f***ing came from in my bottom drawer, I’ll just get a new one,’” Chioda said. “Shawn goes, ‘Well you’re not gonna have this one.’ They had their [fights], but Shawn’s got a lifetime contract with them now, it’s awesome.”

You can listen to the complete podcast via