Former WCW Star Believes AEW Has Done A “Terrible Job Of Bringing Jack Perry Back”

Former WCW star Konnan discussed his thoughts on Jack Perry’s return to AEW with the “The Scapegoat” gimmick on his podcast.

“And I thought at the end with Jack Perry, all this hoopla about him coming back and he’s the traitor or victim or whatever name he gave himself…the scapegoat or whatever. They made him this big deal with the Young Bucks, and then he just comes out and does that with Dante (Martin), who’s not a big deal. I mean they’ve done a terrible job of bringing Jack Perry back.”

“And bro all he had to do was come back with his chick [Anna Jay]. I got the hottest b*** in the promotion right?… I’m the f***** son of a superstar, I’m self-paid, I don’t even f***** need wrestling, I’m a good-looking guy, I can get any, he’s riding a f***** Lamborghini just in LA, right?”

You can check out the podcast below: