Wrestlers have been slapping their legs in matches for decades to improve the sound of their kicks.
Superkicks and other kicks have become more common in matches in recent years. Some wrestlers have publicly complained about the current generation slapping their leg. Wrestlers “thigh slapping” or “leg slapping” dates back to the 1950s, when Mr. Wrestling II would back slap his opponents after a knee lift. Many wrestlers throughout history have been known to slap their opponents’ legs or backs.
Wrestlers slapping the leg when throwing forearms to make it look better is a recent trend. Former Impact/TNA star Angelina Love, on the other hand, isn’t a fan of the idea and has urged wrestlers to stop doing it.
“Stop slapping your leg when you throw a forearm please! A forearm does not need the leg slap sound lol. Please. Stop. Please.”
WWE reportedly began fining wrestlers in March 2021 for “thigh slapping” when throwing kicks to add sound effects, which led to an edict banning thigh slapping.
Stop slapping your leg when you throw a forearm please! A forearm does not need the leg slap sound lol. Please. Stop. Please.
— Lauren/Angelina Love (@ActualALove) November 23, 2022