Evil Uno Addresses Abuse In The Wrestling Business

AEW’s Evil Uno wrote the following on social media in regards to the #SpeakingOut movement:

“I applaud those courageous enough to speak out about their abuse. Our profession has never been kind to those who do. This behavior needs to stop. Pro Wrestling should be a safe space for everyone.

I’ve had many advances made to me when I was a teenager (14 onwards). I was forced to wrestle in nothing but boxers for a priest under the guise of it being a “TV taping”. I was sent lewd photos and given hotel numbers. I was lucky that it never went beyond this.

I was taught at the time to ignore the dark side of wrestling, to grow thick skin. As a teenager, I didn’t understand the severity of it all. MANY have had it much worse than I. Listen to their stories. We can be better. #SpeakingOut”