WWE NXT star Ethan Page spoke with Ringer Wrestling Worldwide on various topics, including his relationship with The Hardys.
Page said, “I have, I think, a great relationship, at least with Matt. Jeff is an enigma in real life. I don’t know how to read the guy. Very interesting. Very passionate. Very good dude. Keeps to himself a lot more. Myself and Matt are a lot more alike than we are different. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing or if it’s actually going to benefit our relationship or hinder it. I would say it’s good. Both of us have been supportive of each other…like I need to support the Hardys, they are the Hardys, but I’ve always been a fan of those guys. Getting to work with them over the last couple of years, my appreciation quadrupled. The respect I have for both of them, especially Matt, I just got to work with him a lot closer. Those guys blew me away. I learned a lot from them, especially Matt, things I’ll take with me for the rest of my career. Things that prepared me for the opportunities I’m getting in NXT right now. I’ll forever be grateful to those guys.”
On his variation of the Twisted Fate called the Twisted Grin:
“1000% was endorsed and given the Twisted Grin. The whole interaction they put online, ‘Oh, your new finish, very creative. Very original.’ That’s where I got annoyed and barked back because I have the receipts. [Reading message from Matt Hardy] ‘I endorse Official Ego’ and it’s me doing the Twist of Fate. I don’t know where that came from. I thought we were thumbs up all around. Once the cameras are off, people like to act different. I’m not a big fan of that. I’m always going to be Ethan Page. Honesty is the key.”
(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)