Eric Young Comments On TNA Wrestling Using A Six-Sided Ring

TNA star and pro wrestling veteran Eric Young appeared on Insight With Chris Van Vliet to talk about a number of topics, including the company using a six-sided ring.

Young said, “I’m sure the six-sided rings exist somewhere. Then there’s this whole other cost to consider — now you have to have a truck that drives all over the United States, hauling this six-sided ring. When we go to towns, we’re using rings that are in and around the area, and then they dress it up to make it look like the TNA ring.”

On the cost of shipping the six-sided ring:

“The TNA ring looks like the TNA ring, but the ring is never the same; it’s a different ring in every city we’re in. So there’s this whole other cost involved because the only place that had them was TNA, and at that point, it was big enough to have a ring truck that drove from city to city.”

You can check out Young’s comments in the video below.