Eric Bischoff Shoots On AEW’s TV Viewership and Explains Why He’s Not Into NXT

During his 83 Weeks podcast, Eric Bischoff talked about Johnny Gargano possibly signing with AEW and brought up the current state of the company:

“You look at the shows and let’s be honest about it — I’m not being critical, I like AEW and I want AEW to prosper. But let’s be honest about where AEW is, they drew 872,000 viewers this past Wednesday night. That’s what they were doing a year ago. I’ve done shows with AEW that have done more than they did last Wednesday, and the talent roster is stacked with great talent, phenomenal talent but where’s the audience for it? It’s not working. 872,000 viewers on their A show? That’s not exciting. The numbers are the numbers, and this is a number AEW was doing a year ago, two years ago. It’s weird, and now you’re going to stack even more talent on top of it? What are you going to do with them?”

Bischoff also commented on WWE NXT 2.0:

“I probably watched maybe 15 minutes of NXT. It’s just not my thing, there’s nothing about it that I find interesting or compelling. It’s a farm team, it’s Triple-A baseball and I’m not a big enough fan to enjoy watching the professional wrestling version of Triple-A baseball consistently. If I hear about something going on, if there’s somebody I’m interested in, absolutely, I’ll drop in.”