Eric Bischoff Reacts To Tony Khan Saying That AEW Is Under “Constant Attack”

In response to AEW President Tony Khan, who claimed that AEW is the target of “constant attack” from critics, former WCW President Eric Bischoff made the following statement on his 83 Weeks podcast.

“Maybe it’s everybody else’s fault. Maybe it’s because, you know, ‘to be in AEW is to be under constant attack’ because you’re the challenger brand. Tony, you keep bringing that up. You’re not the challenger brand. Who are you challenging? You’re only challenging the bottom of the barrel, and you’re getting really close to establishing a new record. Anyone else in your position who would have been hired and held accountable would have been fired a long time ago.

You’re in a unique position, Tony, because it’s your money, and you can spend as much of it as you want. You have an almost unlimited source of it. Good for you—I’m not saying that’s a bad thing; I wouldn’t mind being in that position. But that’s the only reason you still exist on television. If you were held accountable for anything, you’d have been fired a long time ago.”

You can check out a clip from the podcast below: