Did Ronda Rousey change the pro wrestling business?
That’s subjective.
What isn’t is whether or not Becky Lynch had a big year in 2019.
She did.
She was “The Man.”
Eric Bischoff reflected on these topics on the latest installment of his “83 Weeks” podcast. Featured below are some of the highlights.
On whether Ronda Rousey changed the wrestling business: “Well, I don’t know. It’s a subjective question or requires a subjective answer. For me, no. I think, you know, if I had to point to one person or two, I’m going to, in this case, two people that have had a dramatic impact on women’s wrestling, the most dramatic impact on women’s wrestling in WWE. I would point to Charlotte Flair, and I probably would point to Becky Lynch even more.”
On Rousey’s influence that led to WrestleMania 35 being headlined by Rousey vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch: “And there’s no arguing that because of timing and coincidence and who Ronda was, where she had been, and what she was bringing to the table, no question that she paved the way for that main event opportunity. So for that, she deserves credit.”
On Becky Lynch: “I think Becky Lynch, in 2018, 2019, put on a clinic on how to use social media to enhance your character and story. And she came out of that period six months or so ago. I mean, watching Becky Lynch’s social media made me a fan of Becky Lynch. Watching Becky Lynch and reading Becky Lynch’s posts and social media compelled to seek her out and see what this is all about. She did a phenomenal job, and I loved her character back then. I’m not as big on her character now or as of late. I haven’t seen as much of her recently. But, you know, the over-the-top kind of character, the way she dresses and carries herself, and all that. Oh, not so much. I loved, I love the just hardcore, just tough-as-nails blue-collar character that she represented, and I’m, I’m getting more of a Hollywood fluff character now as opposed to that just hardcore; what is she Scottish or Irish? I can’t remember. Yeah. That’s a good way of putting it [making her more like Steve Austin than The Rock]. Absolutely. I love Becky’s Austin more than Becky’s Rock. Perfect.”
Check out the complete episode of the show via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to WrestlingHeadlines.com for transcribing the above quotes.