Eric Bischoff recently discussed Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan during his 83 Weeks podcast. Bischoff praised Jericho and Hogan, but made it clear that they can’t be compared to each other.
“You can’t really compare Chris Jericho to Hulk Hogan, just because of the eras and the nature of the business and the condition of the business at that time.
“Hulk Hogan was one of the first major wrestling talents that crossed over in such a monster way. Sports Illustrated, Johnny Carson, Hulk Hogan was everywhere and arguably Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon changed the wrestling industry and I don’t think either one of them individually would’ve been able to pull off what they pulled off.’
“Hulk Hogan’s only done it twice,” Bischoff said. “Red and Yellow Hulk Hogan and then he turned into nWo Hulk Hogan and then he turned back to Red and Yellow Hulk Hogan. Chris Jericho has reinvented himself four times in the last two years, so I don’t think you can really compare them. Nothing but respect,” Bischoff concluded.
You can check out the complete podcast below: