Eric Bischoff Comments On Vince Russo While Discussing Dark Side Of The Ring

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff recently spoke on his podcast, “83 Weeks,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including his thoughts on the Bash at the Beach 2000 episode of Dark Side of the Ring which also featured a lot of comments from Vince Russo:

“I had a hard time watching it. You know, I got up early in the morning when I thought we were going to cover it. I started watching it. I had to turn it off. I couldn’t stand it. You know, Vince Russo’s voice and his staccato New York delivery and just trying to force people to understand what he’s saying just drove me batsh*t crazy. I watched about eight or 10 minutes and listened to his bullsh*t and the way he delivers his bullsh*t and I turned it off and walked away from it. Then I came back about an hour later and I forced myself to sit through it, and it was painful partly because I can’t stand the sound of Vince Russo’s voice or his delivery.”

“I find him to be one of the most obnoxious human beings I’ve ever listened to, really, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that. You combine that with his delusion in his bullsh*t and it was one of the most painful video experiences that I’ve had to sit through, but I’m quite prepared to break it down and expose Vince Russo by using his own words whenever we’re ready.”

“I think Russo is, I mean, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a psychiatrist, psychologist, any of that, but from a layman’s point of view, if there’s anything that I would describe as a delusional pathological liar, it would be Vince Russo.”

“He exposed himself right off the bat by coming out and saying, ‘I told Hulk Hogan there’s no way he’s coming out of here with the WCW championship.’ By the way, Vince Russo is the least confrontational pu**y, that’s a man, I’ve ever met in my life. Vince Russo will not, cannot, is emotionally ill-equipped to deal with an actual confrontation and I promise you, there is no way Vince Russo said anything of the sort to Hulk Hogan. He does not have the balls despite his New York, hardcore bullshit. He is a pu**y. End of conversation. He cries. He goes home. He takes his ball. He quits. He walks away. He has no spine whatsoever.”

“Second point in all of that is he had no authority. Vince Russo wasn’t the head of creative. He was a writer. He was on the staff. The reason that Brad Siegel brought me, by the way, had to pay me close to a million dollars in cash, meaning he paid off the two and a half years that was left on my contract, he had to do that in order to bring me back to oversee Vince Russo because he no longer trusted Vince Russo’s creative judgment. You don’t write a check to somebody for a million dollars, and oh, by the way, have to write them a new contract. It wasn’t that much, but it was significant, and by the way, guaranteed me at least two movies, what they call a put commitment, which is they either gonna take the movie that I’m pitching them, or they’re gonna have to pay me for it either way. You don’t do that if you have confidence or you’re giving control and authority to someone like Vince Russo. Vince Russo had no more authority than Ed Ferrara, or Terry Taylor, or anybody else. He was a staff guy. So he didn’t have the authority to make any changes.”

“We can go on and on and on. I can point out probably half a dozen examples of how Vince Russo was lying to himself, probably, because when you’re pathological, you believe your own bullshit, and that’s why I think Vince Russo is. He is a pathological liar that’s got some serious issues, not the least of which is that he confronts anybody, because he doesn’t have the balls to confront anybody. My wife would back him down and make him cry. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it face to face. I’ve watched him fall apart and the minute you put a guy like Vince Russo under any kind of pressure and question him, that’s the part that he can’t handle. He can’t handle being questioned because he doesn’t have answers. He just has emotion, no answers, no plan, no what’s next, no where it’s going, just his emotional commitment to whatever’s going through his mind at the moment. He’s one of the flakiest people I’ve ever met.”

You can listen to the podcast below:

(h/t to for the transcription)