Eric Bischoff isn’t digging the new characters and storyline for The Young Bucks in AEW.
During a recent episode of his Strictly Business podcast, the former WCW Executive Vice President and WWE Hall of Fame legend spoke about the new gimmick for Nick and Matt Jackson and their storyline heading into the Sting retirement match at AEW Revolution 2024.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the show where he touches on these topics with his thoughts.
On The Young Bucks potentially facing Sting in his retirement match and The Bucks’ new heel gimmick: “Let me finish ripping on that f*cking storyline. That story is so lame. And it is an absolutely absolute reflection of everything that is wrong with creative in AEW that the whole incident was CM Punk. Tony Khan and AEW look horrible. Tony came out, and I was inferior in my life. You have an agent biting people. You got your EVPs executive eVPs in the middle of it all. It is in a horribly embarrassing brand-killing situation. Why enough? Fine f*ck would you use that as the premise of a story? It’s just so childish. It is the Dave Meltzer Dirt Sheet-looking formula. And it’s not working. What a contrast, look at Samoa Joe; the setup for that and the setup for the Bucks and whoever they’re b*tching about it is just embarrassing to me not to answer your question, you know; I’m gonna hold, I’m gonna reserve judgment. I think the fact that that was just recently announced, I may not have watched the whole thing with the Bucks. Did they even reference the fact that they’re going to be facing Darby Allin and Sting?
On the match not being official and it not making sense: “Okay, then it’s unfair to be critical of it. But once it’s announced, and once we know it, the better damn well be a good story there. Because there’s no connective tissue, there needs to be an answer. Why? Why the Bucks? What’s their issue? And no answer other than, “Well, Sting really wanted somebody that can bounce around.”
Check out the complete episode at CumulusPodcastNetwork.com. H/T to WrestlingHeadlines.com for transcribing the above quotes.