Eric Bischoff can admit when he’s wrong.
The former WCW Executive Vice President spoke on the latest installment of his “83 Weeks” podcast about the Seth “Freakin'” Rollins vs. Finn Balor match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from WWE SummerSlam 2023.
During his rant about the bout, he admitted he was wrong about his initial opinion of Rollins.
“Let’s say this, in 2019 when I spent a moment in WWE heard a lot of conversation about Seth Rollins,” Bischoff said. “You know, even before I got there, Seth Rollins was on, you know, the fan’s radar, the internet wrestling universe’s radar, and heard a lot about him. Eh, I didn’t see it, you know, and when I say that, I mean just in very little interaction professionally. I didn’t produce anything that he was involved in or anything like that. So I didn’t really work with him one-on-one to get to know him.”
Bischoff continued, “But just being around him and getting the vibe and seeing him backstage, I just never saw him as a big-time player. Clearly, I was wrong. He is a big-time player, and he is amazingly talented. He’s got a lot of depth. He’s got that willingness as a performer to let go of his own ego and, and to experiment, to work outside his comfort zone. That’s what makes good actors and actresses and wrestlers and any kind of performer is letting go of who you really are and becoming something else and doing it in a believable way. And I don’t think anybody does it as well as Seth Rollins. He’s so good at what he does and in a way, more diverse as a character than just about anybody that I can think of in the last 20 or 30 years. In some respects, you, you know, you see a little bit of Shawn Michaels or a lot of Shawn Michaels and Seth Rollins because physically he’s very gifted. He’s very talented, but he’s confident enough in himself to go so far outside of his, real self to be a character that I think that just, he’s got a bright future. I can’t say enough of it as far as the match goes. I guess I just, maybe, because I don’t know the backstory.”
Check out the complete episode of the show via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to WrestlingHeadlines.com for transcribing the above quotes.