Eddie Kingston Says Being AEW EVPs Was Too Hard For The Young Bucks

Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero M will challenge The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team Titles this Wednesday on AEW Dynamite.

Kingston discussed a wide range of topics while Speaking with Dominic DeAngelo of WrestleZone. During it, he stated that their change in attitude is because they weren’t able to handle their executive responsibilities. It should be noted that The Young Bucks are still AEW executives.

“I don’t even want to call it a promo, ’cause it’s facts to me. They’re the best tag team in the world, the Young Bucks are and that’s proven by being the World Tag Team Champions. That’s it, it proves it. Have they done it not in their normal ‘hooray’ way? No, my biggest problem with them is because they’re both children, childs, babies. Not because of what they do in the ring and all that other stuff that people want to bash on them,” he explained. “It’s because ‘being the EVP’ was too hard for them. That kind of annoys me, man. People look up to them in the locker room and people look at them as the example of them doing it your way, you know what I mean? And then they’re going to come out here and ‘Oh, it’s too hard so we’re go start burying people’ and ‘oh now we’re just gonna start acting like assholes and Don Callis, and us and Kenny, we’re the original club, and Bullet…’ and I don’t even know any of that stuff.

Kingston continued, “Cause the bottom line is man, you shouldn’t have took the jobs if it’s too hard. That bothers me. Then you go with the whole thing with Mox, and then you go with taking out people, you know what I mean? Talking about your sneakers and all that. Where I come from when you talk about how much you got? That means that’s how much I’m gonna take. You see what I’m saying? So keep your mouth shut. I don’t like that ego shit. Like I cut off a lot of people in my life recently. Once I hear them say anything too crazy or egotistical,” Kingston noted, “I go ‘Yo, I’m out.’ I don’t want to deal with that, dog! And that’s what they’re doing. And that’s the problem. And look, they wanted this match, not me. I was ready just to fight whatever. I get paid to go in the ring and show a fight, do a fight, be a fight, that’s it. Live it.”