WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross recently spoke on his podcast, “Grilling JR,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including the one wrestling match he would have liked to have called that he didn’t get the opportunity to do so:
“It’s really easy. Foley’s championship win. I was out with Bell’s Palsy. Michael Cole handled that assignment and did well. I’d say Foley because the journey I’ve been on with Foley and the effort that it took to get him hired, first of all, always comes to my mind. I sat home and watched it. I was happy. I had tears in my eyes for Mick because he finally made it to the top of that mountain that he had been climbing for so long. So I would say Foley winning the title would be the match that if I could go back in time and lay my voice on would have been probably the one.”
His favorite match to call:
“I would say one of those matches, if I had to put a little list together, one would probably be WrestleMania 13 with Austin and Bret. Shamrock, the referee, the stoppage, Bret going over with that iconic picture of Austin bleeding, and it was the double turn, which is very challenging to pull off. I think I’d start with Bret and Steve. They’re two of my favorite wrestlers of all time. It was one of the biggest stages of all time, and I just can’t say enough good things about that match with all they accomplished in their creativity and how they laid their match out. You get two great brains in there. I said this and I believe, I think Steve has even said it, without Bret Hart, there would be no Stone Cold, and I believe that to be true as well.”
His Mount Rushmore for referees and writing the forward for Earl Hebner’s upcoming book:
“Tommy Young would be on my list. Earl Hebner would be on my list. Earl Hebner is getting ready to write a book. That should be interesting. They’ve asked me to write the foreword, I think. So, maybe Earl and Dave together as a package? I don’t know. Tommy Young for sure. There are others. I forget who I’m missing, but it’s a short list. It’s a short list quite frankly.”
How he rates MJF’s title reign so far and what would be a good opponent for him:
“Jack Perry comes to mind. All those guys that are in that little group. Darby Allin being the AEW champion doesn’t hurt my feelings. But right now, the whole process of MJF as a champion in AEW, the world champion, is still evolving. He’s not nearly as good as he’s gonna be. He’s not perfect by any stretch. Who is? But I think that I would think long and hard before taking the title off of him right now because that whole situation is still building, and I think that’s something that needs to be taken into consideration. I’m sure Tony Khan is. MJF gotta have time to settle in, establish his roots, but he’s a hell of a little heel.”
You can check out the complete podcast below:
(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)