After he and his wife were admitted to the hospital due to severe health problems, Dutch Mantell resumed his podcast and YouTube show this week.
On his current health issues:
“The first time I was in the hospital, there was a complete week there that I don’t even remember anything. They even gave me a blood transfusion that I don’t remember. Now, how do you not remember that? I didn’t really know how close I was to dying. I’m back, but I don’t remember a lot of it.”
“(During the hurricane), a big tree fell on the roof that I had repaired. My area didn’t get flooded, but three or four streets over, it did. It did a lot of damage.”
“You get a review of your hospital stay, and I’m reading E. coli, sepsis. I didn’t know I had all this stuff until I read my review. It says what happened to you in the hospital in case you go to another doctor and he can read it and tell you what happened. I came very close to not making the cut, not making the turn. I never found out where the sepsis came from, or the E. coli or the staff. I never found out, and they don’t know where it came from. I had a thorough cleaning of my house and hopefully if it was a germ or a virus lingering, they could clean it up. I can’t say it enough, but thank you to the 1800 people or 200 people that donated (to his GoFundMe and thanked everybody who wished him well).”
(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)