Dustin Rhodes Doesn’t Think It’s Fair Women Get Fewer Chances On AEW TV

While speaking to Renee Paquette on “Throwing Down, Dustin Rhodes talked about AEW’s women’s division.

The promotion has been criticized for the lack of talent depth and not giving the wrestlers enough time.

“I want to get them to where they have two matches on Dynamite or Rampage. It’s not fair, but we’re getting there and making leaps and bounds. The female talent coming in are very athletic and in some cases they are just as good, if not better, than some of the guys, and that’s awesome.

I want them to get to the level that all the guys are at. They deserve that. Sometimes, it’s not fair that they don’t get those chances and now they are starting to get those chances.

They are not there yet, but they’re getting there, and they want it now. When I teach them how to do something and they do it and you see this smile on their face, that’s the payoff for me.”