What does Drew McIntyre think of locking horns with Brock Lesnar once again?
The former WWE Champion spoke about the subject during a recent “Essentially Sports” interview, where he spoke about his past WrestleMania showdown with Lesnar.
While McIntyre isn’t seeking out another showdown with “The Beast Incarnate,” he isn’t backing down from one either.
“As far as I’m concerned, not really, because I beat him,” he said. “We had the run leading up to WrestleMania and then I defeated him for the title. But, you know, if Brock shows back up in my life, I’m ready for the challenge.”
This also led to “The Scottish Warrior” giving his thoughts on Lesnar’s babyface run in WWE in 2021, which lasted through the night after WrestleMania 39 earlier this year when he turned heel on Raw by attacking Cody Rhodes.
“There’s nobody like Brock Lesnar,” he said. “I’ve seen what he’s been up to since last time we tangled, his cowboy run; he’s even more terrifying as a good guy smiling with a cowboy hat on, somehow. He did eliminate me from the Royal Rumble so we’re 1-1 in the Royal Rumble and then I’m 1-0 in singles matches so he’s probably the one who’s looking to come back and even the odds.”
Check out the complete interview via the Instagram video embedded below. H/T to WrestlingInc.com for transcribing the above quotes.