Dijak On Whether He Would Listen To A Last-Minute Offer From WWE

(Photo Credit: WWE)

As PWMania.com previously reported, Dijak announced that his WWE contract is expiring on Friday after the company stonewalled his negotiations and decided not to renew his deal. Dijak also revealed he is going to be a free agent once his contract with WWE expires.

Dijak recently appeared on Mace and Mansoor’s Twitch channel, where he talked about a number of topics including if he would be willing to stay if he was offered a deal.

Dijak said, “I guess if they wanted to make me an offer right now, they could. At this point, I’m not terribly interested in listening to it, just by the nature of a WWE contract. They can hire you and release you for no reason. They could pull a fast one on me. ‘You’re re-hired. Just kidding. You’re fired.’”

On if he would go back if he got a WWE Speed Championship run:

“No. [laugh] If they came to me with some massive number or some promises or something like that. At this point, I would consider getting it in writing.”

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)