LA Knight is a mega star.
And a deserving one, at that.
Diamond Dallas Page thinks so.
DDP recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet for an in-depth interview on his INSIGHT podcast, during which he spoke about LA Knight deserving the push he is receiving right now in WWE.
“That guy, he ain’t too old for nothing,” Page said. “He is at the right time at the right place and I pray for him that they see it, because he deserves it.”
Page continued, “I remember walking up to him, I wanna say it was Mania this year, and I said, ‘Dude, I just want you to know, I personally love what you’re doing and watching you from NXT coming up.’ [He has worked] with Bronson, who’s one of my boys, he’s worked out in that gym with me 50 times. I was like, ‘I love what you’re doing’ and I said the same thing to Sami, that it’s your time dude, these people are gonna get with you, it’s gonna get bigger and bigger and it did. Both of those guys are top guys to me, but they aren’t top of the top. Just give them that little push and they both will deliver.”
Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.