Details On How Much Creative Input Sami Zayn Has In WWE

During an appearance on Ryan Satin’s Out of Character podcast, Sami Zayn talked about the amount of creative input that he has in WWE:

“Let me just nip this in the bud. I don’t want to act like I’m booking my own stuff because I’m not. But I swing a lot and I don’t think I swing a lot of duds, but sometimes I swing ideas that there’s reasons why I don’t know why they won’t work, and sometimes they tell me that won’t work because of XYZ. But a lot of things they’ll take and okay, it’s not exactly how I envisioned it, but pieces of it get through. Having even a little bit of creative input, I think that’s what’s really taken my appreciation and my enjoyment of being here in WWE to another level is I’ll say, ‘Hey, I really wish we could kind of do this’, and then some version of it happens and I’m thrilled. I’m over the moon. What more could you ask? To just feel like you have a voice and you’re feeling heard, and then when you actually go out there and do it, you feel respected and valued. That’s really what kept me here.”

Zayn said the following about his match with Johnny Knoxville at Wrestlemania 38 via Twitter:

“My Wrestlemania match against Johnny Knoxville is one of my all time favorites. Definitely one of the matches I’m most proud of. I’ve had a lot of great matches in my career, I’d put this up with any of them. Anyone who saw this match will remember it. That’s as good as it gets.”