Details On Eric Bischoff’s Latest AEW Appearance

Eric Bischoff made another appearance on this past Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite during the Chris Jericho and MJF Town Hall segment. During his recent podcast, Bischoff talked about the segment:

“They reached out, asked me if I’d be willing to do an appearance. I didn’t know what the appearance was going to be. I didn’t ask any questions from a creative perspective. They just wanted to know if I was available, and if I’d be interested. And I said, ‘Sure.’ I’d figure it out when it was time to figure it out. And then I found out oh, maybe five days before. Just kind of a really brief outline of what that segment or scene, or whatever you wanna call it was going to be. And it was pretty straightforward. Like I said, it’s not like I had to get into character for it or anything. So it was easy, and it was fun. And I watched it last night live, I thought it was fairly effective.”

“You know, it was a town hall that had a political kind of vibe to it, and I wanted to try to come up with a way for my dialogue to be kind of consistent with what the scene was. Or maybe the theme, is a better way to say that. So then I took what had been prepared for me in the notes and I went, ‘Oh yeah. But if I changed it up this way, it won’t change the meaning of anything. It does the exact same thing, it just kind of makes it feel more tuned-in politically, based on the theme of that segment.'”

“So I went to Chris and I said, ‘Hey, Chris, I’ve got an idea.’ He goes, ‘Yeah, go ahead.’ I said, ‘No, here’s what I’m thinking of doing.’ He goes ‘Yeah, yeah yeah. Okay, great! That’s what you’re here for, make it your own.’ I went ‘Wow, that’s f**king cool. That’s the way I like to work.’ Now, you start thinking. Now the creativity part of your brain starts firing. So I went back and polished it up a little bit in my own head. And I went out and I did it.”

(quotes courtesy of