The current KO-D Openweight Champion Yuji Hino now knows who his first challenger will be.
Yukio Naya and HARASHIMA met in the main event of Into The Fight 2023 which took place on February 26th at the legendary Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan. The winner of that match would named the #1 contender to the KO-D Openweight Championship held by Yuji Hino.
Yukio Naya defeated HARASHIMA after hitting a Saito Suplex to win the match and earn the right to face Hino on March 21 at Judgment 2023. This will be Yuji Hino’s first defense of the KO-D Openweight Championship since winning the title from Kazusada Higuchi on January 29th.
A major title change occurred at Into The Fight 2023 as Shinya Aoki, Yuki Ueno & Super Sasadango Machine defeated Tetsuya Endo, Kotaro Suzuki & Yusuke Okada to become the new KO-D 6 Man Tag Team Champions.
AEW’s Kip Sabian double crossed Penelope Ford after Sabian’s 6 man match and defeated her for the DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship, a title that is on the line 24/7. Later backstage, the DDT Pro inflatable wrestling doll Yoshihiko defeated Kip Sabian for the title.
In addition, the D GENERATIONS CUP tournament came to a close as Takeshi Masada defeated Yuya Koroku to earn a spot on the the DDT Pro talent roster heading to the USA in March.
Here are the full results and highlights for DDT Pro-Wrestling Into The Fight 2023:
- KO-D Openweight Title #1 Contender Match: Yukio Naya defeated HARASHIMA via pinfall to become the #1 contender for the KO-D Openweight Title. Naya pinned HARASHIMA after connecting with a Saito Suplex. (KO-D Openweight Champion Yuji Hino confronted Naya after the match and they shook hands)
- KO-D Tag Team Championship: MAO & Shunma Katsumata (c) defeated Yukio Sakaguchi & Hikaru Machida. MAO pinned Hikaru Machida. (Kazusada Higuchi and Ryota Nakatsu confronted MAO and Katsumata after the match and challenged them for the titles)
- KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Championship Shinya Aoki, Yuki Ueno & Super Sasadango Machine defeated Tetsuya Endo, Kotaro Suzuki & Yusuke Okada (c) to become the new champions. Shinya Aoki pinned Yusuke Okada with a roll up.
- D GENERATIONS CUP – Final: Takeshi Masada defeated Yuya Koroku via pinfall to earn a spot on the DDT Pro Goes Hollywood talent roster.
- International Special 6-Man Tag Match: Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford), Chris Brookes & Hagane defeated Yuji Hino, Naruki Doi & Makoto Oishi. Kip Sabian pinned Makoto Oishi. (After the match Kip Sabian rolled up and pinned Penelope Ford to become the new DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight Champion. Backstage the DDT Pro inflatable wrestling doll Yoshihiko defeated Sabian for the title)
- Special Tag Match: Kazusada Higuchi & Shishamo Power defeated Jun Akiyama & Unagi Mask. Shishamo Power pinned Unagi Mask with a roll up.
- D GENERATIONS CUP 6-Man Tag Match: Keigo Nakamura, Toi Kojima & Kazuma Sumi defeated Hideki Okatani, Yuki Ishida & Ilusion. Nakamura pinned Ilusion with a top rop diving headbutt.
- 4 Way Tag Match: Yuki “Sexy” Iino & Danshoku “Dandy” Dieno vs Toru Owashi & Gota Ihashi vs Saki Akai & Kazuki Hirata vs Fuminori Abe & Shanshiro Takagi ended in a No Contest
- MJ Paul & KANON defeated Masahiro Takanashi & Antonio Honda as KANON submitted Antonio Honda
勝俣が坂口にトぺ・コンヒーロを発射! リング上ではMAOと町田が壮絶な殴り合い! 蹴り合い! 打撃では一日の長である町田が必殺の居合パンチを狙うが、MAOはみちのくドライバーIIで切り返す!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/JQv9rEhaDH
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
納谷の武器はなんとってもこの大きなカラダ! ど迫力な串刺し攻撃から体重の乗ったダイビング・エルボードロップを投下!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/wOdeGvcNev
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
鬼と化したHARASHIMAは納谷の顔面を蹴り上げる! そこから蒼魔刀でトドメを刺そうとしたHARASHIMAをビッグブーツで迎撃した納谷は、必死に堪えるHARASHIMAを強引にブン投げる!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/Inr83G0Yfd
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
遠藤のプロレスLOVEが爆発し、ドラゴンスクリューから足4の字固め! さらにシュミット式バックブリーカーからムーン…ではなく、バーニングスタープレス! だが、これが裏目に出た!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/35uUoO0DIc
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro #ddtDGC pic.twitter.com/EhZLsYHJsU
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
試合後に奥さんであるペネロペの隙をついてアイアンマン王座を奪取したキップ! 夫婦仲は大丈夫?
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/88lUmkaCyy
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/6nXwWQtrrb
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023
妻であるペネロペからアイアンマン王座を奪取したキップ! 控室で夫婦喧嘩になっていたキップを、ハリウッド大会出場が決まっているあの男が“ロッカーの中”から襲撃!
?今すぐ視聴!https://t.co/KUcVnZNTgN#ddtpro pic.twitter.com/0gu43iKWkl
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) February 26, 2023