What does Diamond Dallas Page think of Maxwell Jacob Friedman?
The WWE Hall of Fame legend shared his thoughts on the AEW Champion during a recent interview with the folks from Wrestling Inc.
Featured below are some of the highlights.
On recalling Cody Rhodes turning him on to MJF: “When Cody turned me onto him, no one would know who he was. But when I got around him and I realized, wow, this kid. This kid has it at a different level. I’ve never really known anyone who understood a promo or a character like he did. If it was the ’70s, someone would’ve shot him already. He would’ve been stabbed multiple times. He’s at the perfect time, because besides Jericho, you don’t really see any guys who are so over be able to want to take the heat.”
On comparing him to Ric Flair: “Because when you get over, you want to take the accolades. MJF never wants to be a babyface. And he will be at some point. But it’ll be like Ric Flair. Like Ric Flair, people love to hate him. I mean, because nobody did it better than Flair. But I’ll tell you what, this kid can cut a promo as good as anyone ever. And everybody’s seen it. And what I tried to do with him was explain to him the dos and don’ts, because I took him under my wing to a certain degree, because I loved being around him, thought he was a great kid, and I knew he had a lot of potential. And very early on, I’m like, “Dude, just don’t put your foot in your mouth too hard.”
Check out the complete DDP interview at WrestlingInc.com.