Darby Allin Discusses His “Sex Sent Me To ER” TV Appearance Prior To Joining AEW

Darby Allin appeared on TLC’s Sex Sent Me To The ER reality series before joining AEW, where he claimed to have been stung by bees in the forest. On the Battleground podcast, Darby discussed the video.

“It’s so funny when people repost it as if I’m trying to hide it. It’s like, I’m the one who told in an interview years ago with Chris Van Vliet that I did that show and people [are like], ‘Wait, he did?’ I’m the one who told people, it’s funny, it’s hilarious. It’s like ‘Oh breaking news’ because no one has a goddamn life anymore. The thing is, I was going to film school in Arizona, and I saw this, there’s website with all these reality shows. And I said, ‘Oh, Sex sent me to ER, that sounds funny. Let’s come up with a story.’

So I made up this fake story, forged a doctor’s note that had happened, because they actually asked, ‘Did it really happen? We need doctor’s notes.’ And I was like, ‘yeah.’ So I met the girl on Craigslist. She was an aspiring actress, and we came up with the story. The day that we shot is the first day I met her. Then we just got our story straight, and then went in and filmed it.”

“It was just funny because that’s back when I was in film school, and I had no money. Literally no shit. I was living off of $5 a week on food. It was horrible. It was so bad. I worked at the 99 cents store at the time. So when I was in the freezer where they keep all the food, I’d be like, eating the food secretly back there. I had no money.

I forgot exactly the numbers it was like $500 or maybe $800 to do this reality thing. They flew me down to California. I was like ‘This is awesome. I can afford to eat now.’ Yeah, the whole experience was fun. It’s just fun coming up with stories and messing around and having a good time.”

You can check out a clip from the TLC show below:

You can check out the complete interview below: