Daniel Garcia Says WWE NXT Are On Fire Right Now

AEW star Daniel Garcia spoke with Cameron Hawkins on an episode of the South Kongress podcast on a number of topics, including WWE NXT.

Garcia said, “I get why people think it was funny and it kept blowing up and people kept sending me things. To me, it just completely undermines how great NXT is. I feel like NXT right now is hot, it’s on fire. I feel like they have such great talent, both men and women, international talent from all over the world. People of all different kinds of experience levels.”

On why the jokes and memes sent to him undermine WWE NXT:

“And I feel like when people kept saying, ‘I’m just going to sign there because there are a bunch of attractive women,’ I think it undermines the work rate, the talent, of the entire roster. I think that they have a great roster on their hands. I feel like they’re doing a bunch of great things over there. And like I said, I think it completely undermines and takes away from what they’re doing over there.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.