Dana White Addresses Fighters Such As Derrick Lewis Potentially Having A Match In WWE

There have been rumors of cross-promotion and fighters switching to WWE ever since the UFC and WWE combined to form TKO. There has also been speculation about what would happen if WWE stars decided to compete in the UFC.

Derrick Lewis may soon appear on WWE television after recently revealing that he is in talks with the company. He could potentially join Cain Velasquez, Daniel Cormier, and Ronda Rousey as UFC fighters who join WWE in some capacity.

During Saturday’s post-fight press conference, UFC President Dana White was asked about Lewis’ recent comments. He stated that he was unaware of the situation and open to the idea. He also stated that he is even more committed to it now that Vince McMahon has left WWE following the horrific lawsuit filed against him.

White stated, “Well, I didn’t know that [Lewis-WWE talks], but yeah, I would do anything for Derrick Lewis. I really like Derrick Lewis a lot. Listen, some of the fighters who fight here have always dreamed about doing a WWE match or whatever it is. I don’t have a problem with that. I mean, I didn’t have a problem with that when Vince was consistently fucking me for no reason, and now that that’s not the case anymore, I obviously would absolutely do it.”

White has previously discussed how McMahon would mess with him and UFC business simply because he could.