WWE NXT sttar Cora Jade spoke with Sport Illustrated’s The Takedown on a number of topics, including CM Punk wanting to help younger talent in the company.
Jade said, “It’s just so cool to have him [there]. Love him or hate him, he is who he is, 100%. And you can only admire that. He is constantly trying to help, constantly trying to give advice.”
On how Punk acts:
“He’ll sit there and help with a smile on his face, and he never complains. He’s just helped me and Roxanne genuinely so much, and I’m so thankful for him.”
On hitting rock bottom during her injury:
“At that point, it was almost like I was at rock bottom, so [I] can only go up. I had no choice in the matter, and … I was kind of just looking at it like everything happens for a reason. I haven’t had a break since I was 16 years old, and I just [needed] to take the time to get better.”
On her torn ACL:
“It was the worst injury I’ve ever had in my life. Obviously physically, but mentally — it was just awful.”
You can check out Jade’s comments in the video below.